God does not need us. He is complete and whole in every way without us. However, He chose to create us, and He created us to bring Himself glory.
Read MoreIf you have good relations with your family, then be grateful to God, for not everyone enjoys those blessings.
Read MoreI learned recently about a new missional group in San Francisco who are sharing Jesus in Silicon Valley. What a blessing it is to see how God continues to raise up willing servants of Jesus to take the Gospel to every strata of culture and society.
Read MoreThe church in the Book of Acts was a unified koinonia (fellowship) and a collaborative group. They rallied around the Gospel & spreading it.
Read MoreI came across a story last week that really spoke to me. This story powerfully illustrates the blessings of being kind.
Read MoreHow do we best combat lies, negativity, and counterproductive thinking?
Read MoreThroughout Scripture and history, we can see the miraculous work of God in the lives of ordinary people.
Read MoreWhen God's hand is upon you for good, you are unstoppable.
Read MoreThese are hard times for our country and our world, and perhaps also for you personally. How do you respond?
Read MoreNehemiah enjoyed the favor of God upon his life. That is the only way we can account for the incredible things he accomplished in such a brief period.
Read MoreI believe Joseph, Esther, Nehemiah, Ruth, Paul, & many other heroes of the faith are the great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, according to Hebrews 12:1.
Read MoreThe Apostle Peter commands all followers of Jesus to be ready to dialogue with those who do not know Him and have questions.
Read MoreWho do you know that is serving the Lord in full time vocational ministry? Do they need encouragement? If they are breathing, then the answer is yes!
Read MoreA highlight of my recent mission trip to Asia was baptizing two new believers from the people group our church adopted, and it was not a typical baptism.
Read MoreEvery person in the world is a worshiper. Most do not worship the One true God. Many bow before various idols in their heart, if not physically.
Read MoreHow should you and I respond to those who tell us they have left their faith?
Read MoreProverbs 31 is one of the better-known Proverbs because of the emphasis in churches for women to emulate the woman described in this chapter.
Read MoreAre you feasting on pure things that will satisfy your soul, or are you settling for something convenient and quick but feeling unsatisfied?
Read MoreBattling pride is the age-old battle. Humility is the challenge, and pride is the easy way out.
Read MoreProverbs tells us to confess and renounce the sin in our lives. It's not just lip service to God about our sin, but abandoning it and not going back.
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