Our Mission
The Great Commission, given to the church by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, provides our marching orders. At DFEA, we first desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit with as many people as possible. Then, when people receive Christ, we want to help them grow in their relationship with the Lord. Our motto is,
"Make disciples who will make more disciples until Jesus comes again!"
"Missions exist because worship doesn't."
— John Piper, Let the Nations Be Glad
Conduitology is a word we invented to help summarize our core values here at DFEA. In the natural world, conduits are helpful entities through which resources flow from one destination to another. Our aim is to serve as a conduit through which the Holy Spirit blesses many lives. We believe God's hand of favor and blessing is upon DFEA, enabling us to bless others.