Songs to Sing!

Songs to Sing!

Today I want to share with you some songs & their lyrics that I hope will encourage you to worship Jesus through music in spirit & in truth!

Songs to Sing!

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Lead Student Pastor for Cross Church, Springdale, AR campus.
- Pastor Danny
"...admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts."

(Colossians 3:16b, CSB)

Happy Friday! Here are a few songs and their lyrics which I would love to share with you today!

1. "Center", by Bethel Music:

My whole life for Your glory
My whole world for You only
Everything for the honor of Your Name
If my days tell a story
Let it be of You only
Everything for the honor of Your Name

This is the bridge of the song, and oh, what powerful lyrics these are. This is the prayer of our lives as followers of Jesus! I would encourage you as you listen to this song and especially this bridge, that you would pray those lyrics over your life.

2. "All I Ever Wanted (Give Me Jesus)", by Red Rocks Worship:
All I ever wanted was You
All I ever needed was You
So take the world, take it all
But give me Jesus
I have been forever convinced
I'll never find a love quite like this
Take the world, take it all
But give me Jesus

This is the chorus to the song, and this song really convicted me! It really makes me think and evaluate if there is anything in my life that is competing for my attention and affection above Jesus. This song so beautifully puts Jesus at the focal point of our lives and anthemically cries for more of Jesus!

3. "Love of God", by Brandon Lake & Phil Wickham:
Though I try my mind can't comprehend it
It's so high, too marvelous for words
I could sing a million songs about it
And barely scratch the surface of Your worth

Lastly, this is a part of the bridge of this song. I love the ending, that a million songs could be written about the love of God and it wouldn't even scratch the surface of the worth of God!

I hope these songs encourage you to worship Jesus through music in spirit and in truth!

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Podcast of the Week

Opportunities Abound

Pastor Danny shares a special message on the importance of us taking advantage of the numerous opportunities that God gives to tell other people about the good news of Jesus Christ.

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Chris Williams