What Are You Most Passionate About?

What Are You Most Passionate About?

I am most passionate about following Jesus, making Him known to those who do not know Him, and helping fellow Christians share Jesus with others.

What Are You Most Passionate About?

"Then He said to them, 'Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.'"

(Matthew 4:19)

Last month, I had the privilege of attending the Empower 2025 Evangelism Conference in Las Colinas, TX at the Irving Convention Center. Believers from all over the great state of Texas came for the two-day conference to receive encouragement and instruction on ways we can share the Gospel of Jesus more effectively. I am grateful to be a part of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention (SBTC) that does not just talk about the importance of evangelism but puts money and effort toward helping equip our churches to be bold, passionate, and compassionate witnesses for Jesus.

I have spoken at this conference over the years but did not speak at it this year. I attended because I too need encouragement and instruction on how to witness more effectively for Christ. It is a blessing to learn lessons from fellow believers who are on the front lines telling the world about Jesus. You may ask, "But don't you have a PhD in Evangelism from Southwestern Seminary?" Yes, I do, but I still need motivation, instruction, and encouragement, like you, to go and share the good news!

I heard great messages in the general sessions, and in the smaller breakout seminars taught by those who are leading well in this vital area of evangelism. One of the seminars I attended was by Frank Turek, a leading apologist in our day. At the end of his presentation, I think I asked more questions than anyone! I recommend his ministry to you if you are not already familiar with him. His book, I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, is excellent. His ministry website is CrossExamined.org.

To answer my own question in the title of today's devotion, I am most passionate about following Jesus and making Him known to those who do not know Him. I am also very passionate about helping as many Jesus-followers as I can to share Jesus with others. In all my ministry roles over the years (Evangelism Professor, Pastoral Evangelist, President of an Evangelistic Association) this one thing has remained constant: I love helping others share their faith!

How passionate are you in following Jesus and fishing for lost souls? I hope to encourage you this week in these devotions to help motivate you and give some practical ways you can be an effective witness for Jesus, who is worthy of our best efforts.

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Podcast of the Week

Ministering to Pastors & Police, with Rick Randall

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show his friend Rick Randall of Christ Together Greater Austin to discuss ministering to police and first responders, leading a team of pastors, surviving and growing through trama, and more. Rick was a longtime Senior Chaplain of the Austin Police Department and the Director of their Health and Wellness Division, overseeing the physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of the officers as well as the civilian employees of the Department. He is the founder and CEO of The Randall Group 911 and currently provides instruction for first responders across the state of Texas in becoming more resilient and mastering the trauma of the emergency services professions.

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Chris Williams