"Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence."
(1 Timothy 2:1-2)
On November 5th, the USA will elect the 47th President of our country. It is a weighty decision, because it impacts all our lives to some degree and even has ripple effects throughout the world. For 248 years, God has blessed this nation. People may ask why America is so blessed and prosperous. Why do people want to come and live here? The answer is prayer. God hears the prayers of His people, and many of you are faithful to pray for our nation and our leaders. God hears your prayers. I have no doubt this is the reason for our unparalleled prosperity and favor.
Today and this week, I will write devotions related to God and the government. I am sharing these messages at our local church, Great Hills Baptist Church in Austin, TX. I have never done this before: preach sermons about a Christian view of government leading up to an election. As you are aware, this will be a pivotal and critical election. However, I do not buy into the Republican and Democratic stump speeches that say if the wrong person gets elected, that will be the end of our democracy or even our nation altogether. That is giving mankind too much power. We will continue as a nation as long as the Lord wants us to be a nation.
You may ask, "Are you going to tell us who to vote for? Who will you vote for, pastor? Are you a Republican or Democrat?" As a pastor of a local church, my aim is to speak truth to power, no matter who is in the White House. I will not tell you who to vote for, but you most likely will ascertain who I am voting for!
What is stunning to me is, in the US presidential election of 2016, 40 million Evangelical Christians did not vote. In 2020, 25 million Evangelicals did not vote. And today, 15 million Evangelicals are not registered to vote. The latest number I have seen is 32 million Christians will stay home and not vote this year. I cannot figure out why that is. What a privilege and responsibility we have!
How about you? Have you voted early? Ashley and I waited in line for only 30 minutes to vote early. We cast our vote and got the sticker! One guy I heard on the radio said he wanted to put his sticker on his forehead, but his wife said, no way!
Please vote based on biblical values. Let your voice be heard!