Abundant Joy

Abundant Joy

When you think about being in God's presence, what comes to your mind?

Abundant Joy

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Lead Student Pastor for Cross Church, Springdale, AR campus, and former Junior High Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX.
- Pastor Danny
"You reveal the path of life to me; in your presence is abundant joy; at your right hand are eternal pleasures."

(Psalm 16:11, CSB)

Last month, Kyndall and I got to go to a wedding of one of Kyndall's former co-workers. Let me tell you, it was an AMAZING wedding. The service was phenomenal and God-honoring. The food was great! The toasts were great. The cake was great. The dancing was great. Even the bubble send-off was great! (It had a BUBBLE GUN! It was hype!) As I reflect on the wedding, I cannot help but think about the abundance of joy that was all throughout that wedding venue!

While weddings can be very joyful, happy, and fun, David in Psalm 16 writes about an even greater abundance of joy found in God's presence. Psalm 16 is one of the more famous Psalms, and verse 11 has really struck me recently, mainly for a simple phrase: "in your presence is abundant joy."

When you think about being in God's presence, what comes to your mind? Is it being in the house of God with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ? Is it you, right now, opening up your heart and mind to God through this devotional? Is it a peaceful and tranquil spot that you go to for time alone with the Lord? Whatever you think about, reflect on the truth that in His presence, there is ABUNDANT JOY. For me, this verse is so powerful for two reasons.

One, there is not just joy, but there is ABUNDANT joy! This isn't just any type of joy, this is an abundance of joy that comes when we are in the presence of God. Secondly, the availability of the presence of God. If there is abundance of joy in the presence of God, where is the presence of God? As followers of Jesus, we believe God is omnipresent. We believe that He is everywhere all the time. So, simply put, wherever you are, there is opportunity for you to acknowledge His presence and be filled with ABUNDANT JOY!

Today, what if you really lived as though Psalm 16:11 is true? What if you walked through your day knowing that in God's presence, there is abundant joy. What if you walked through today knowing and believing God is working all around you, and there is Joy that is awaiting you. I don't think this verse means that as long as we acknowledge God's presence, then life will be easy. I believe it wants us to take our focus off ourselves and place emphasis and worship on our God, in Whose presence, there is abundant joy.

Let ABUNDANT JOY mark your day TODAY!

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Podcast of the Week

Life Principles: #4: Energized by God's Presence, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny wraps up his discussion of Dr. Charles Stanley's 4th Life Principle: Energized by God's Presence: Awareness of God's presence energizes us for our work.

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Chris Williams