Overcoming Evil, Pt. 2

Overcoming Evil, Pt. 2

I know a lot of what people struggle with is spiritual warfare. Jesus dealt with demons constantly in His ministry. They are very much alive today.

Overcoming Evil, Pt. 2

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

(Romans 12:21)

I know a lot of what people struggle with is spiritual warfare. Jesus dealt with demons constantly in His ministry. They are very much alive today and wreaking havoc on people's lives. Satan takes captive those who do not know Christ, and those of us who do know Jesus are bombarded with his assaults. No doubt, the woman who killed those six people in the church outside Nashville, TN, was possessed by demons. No one in their right minds does something like this. She was deceived by Satan and now eternally lost.

Horrific crimes like this can shake your faith. If you are troubled to the point that you need help, that is totally understandable. I would encourage you to reach out and speak to a biblical counselor, someone who knows and loves the Lord. Speak with them and let them help you.

Oftentimes when tragedies like this strike, we want to help but feel like there is nothing we can do. If you know any of the families of these victims, I think a great thing to do is be available, and when God gives the opportunity, simply show up and be present.

It is sad that some have chosen to criticize the Christian faith in a time like this. It is unconscionable that someone would push their political or anti-Christian views at a time when so many are hurting. But I am not surprised, as the enemy of our souls hates us and takes pleasure in inflicting pain any way and at any time he possibly can.

At times like these, I am reminded that this world is surely not our home. We as followers of Jesus are pilgrims passing through. We are trying to be salt and light in much darkness. But the Lord will either take us home when we die, or He will remove us with Him when He comes. I agree with Phil Wickham and what he posted on Instagram: "Please pour out your Mercy. Please come quickly. We are desperate for You."

I want to close with some words of encouragement in overcoming evil.

The only one more powerful than Satan is Jesus. If you do not know Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life, receive Him today. You are no match for the darkness. You need the light of Jesus.

As we live in this world, we are going to encounter horrible tragedies like what we saw at The Covenant School in Nashville, TN. People possessed by Satan will follow their leader and seek to kill, steal, and to destroy others, as John 10:10 points out.

Do not let evil creep into your heart. Meditate on our biblical text for today's devotion, Romans 12:21: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

Be a part of a church, a community of faith that can minister to you and get you through hard times. Then, you help get others through those same hard times. The Church is Jesus' idea, His body, His answer to the evil in this world. We need each other.

When those you love walk the path of deepest darkness, be there for them. Show up, help, pray. You do not need to say anything most of the time, but you do need to be there.

I pray that God blesses you with a wonderful weekend. Be a blessing to someone in Jesus' name. You never know what battles people are facing.

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Chris Williams