Overcoming Evil, Pt. 1

Overcoming Evil, Pt. 1

I continue to reflect on what happened just a couple weeks ago at The Covenant School, a Christian private school in Nashville, TN, where three children and three adults were senselessly murdered.

Overcoming Evil, Pt. 1

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

(Romans 12:21)

I continue to reflect on what happened just a couple weeks ago at The Covenant School, a Christian private school in Nashville, TN, where three children and three adults were senselessly murdered. The woman who committed these murders was engaged by three brave and heroic police officers and killed.

Our hearts go out to the loved ones and friends of those who were killed. One of those killed was the nine-year-old daughter of the pastor of the church. I cannot fathom the grief and hurt they are experiencing as their world has been shattered. I am praying Philippians 4:7 for them, that "the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Though we do not know these victims' families personally, we intercede for them, and we pray for them for the God of all comfort to be with them.

Bill Lee, who is a Christian and the governor of Tennessee said:

"The battle is not against flesh and blood. It's not against people, the struggle is against evil itself. We can't forget this and it's very difficult. But we're called to not only love our neighbor, but to love our enemies, to bless those who curse us, to pray for those who intend harm. There is hope in the midst of great tragedy because God is a Redeemer. What is meant for evil can be turned for good. May we grieve in the days ahead, but not without hope. May we also act with wisdom, discernment and grace." (Source.)

I was encouraged when I read how many people on Instagram reached out and offered their love and prayers for the families. Here are a couple that really stood out to me. The first was by Toby Mac, who knows firsthand the pain of a child passing away. He wrote:

"This is horrific. Our children? My heart is broken. There is nothing... nothing worse than taking those innocent precious lives. The pain of waking up in the same house is unimaginable. How does life go on? I pray for the families with all my heart. I pray this valley doesn't destroy them. I pray they will somehow feel loved in this nightmare by a God who is present even in the deepest of valleys. I am so sorry. So very sorry."

Lauren Daigle canceled her concert that Monday night and invited everyone to come and join her in praying for those who were hurting so badly.

Tasha Layton wrote these words:

"I cannot put into words the sorrow I feel for the families at Covenant... both for those who've lost more than I could ever imagine as a mother and for those who will attempt to pick up the pieces for their children who experienced this nightmare. We have friends who both teach and attend here, and my heart is broken for them. God have mercy. Scripture says He is close to the broken-hearted. Psalm 34:18. I pray everyone involved can experience the peace that truly goes beyond understanding."

Tasha has a new book that just came out called Look What You've Done. I heard her in an interview recently share how she once tried to take her life, but when she pulled the trigger, nothing happened. Then someone came in and was able to be there for her. So many people struggle and need help.

In tomorrow's final devotion for the week, I will share some more thoughts on overcoming evil.

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The God of the Breakthrough

Do you need a breakthrough? Are you facing some formidable challenges or obstacles that are keeping you from moving forward? In today's episode, Pastor Danny shares about how you can be prepared and equipped for victory and keep a good attitude even in the midst of extreme difficulty.

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Chris Williams