Wonderfully Made

Wonderfully Made

It is hard to look upon a newborn child and not believe in God. You cannot help but gaze in wonder at how beautiful and precious this new life is.

Wonderfully Made

"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well."

(Psalm 139:14)
Our family has been blessed with another baby! Praise the Lord for Macie Joy Samplaski who was born on April 10, weighing 8 pounds and 12 ounces and measuring just shy of 21 inches long. Our daughter, Hannah, is doing great. Jeffrey and Hannah are now the parents of three beautiful girls! Ashley and I are thrilled to have another granddaughter. With the birth of Macie, we now have four granddaughters. Here are a few pictures of Macie:
It is hard to look upon a newborn child and not believe in God. You cannot help but gaze in wonder at how beautiful and precious this new life is. Our verse for today says that each human being is fearfully and wonderfully made, not developed by random chance, but created in the image of God.

I am a pro-life follower of Jesus Christ. I believe in the sanctity of all life from the womb to the tomb. Mankind is God's highest creation on earth and should be deeply cherished and valued by all. Of course, I know there are many who disagree with what I have written. They marvel at the creative powers of evolution and work very hard to explain away anything miraculous about the birth of a child. But it is much easier and just plain common sense to assert that this is the work of almighty God!

Years ago, I was at the capitol building in Austin, TX, speaking for life. I was shouted down and unable to address the crowd. But afterward, many came to the front of the auditorium wanting to debate me. One of their pro-choice leaders questioned what I believed. I opened the Bible and read to her Psalm 139, and she looked at me and said, "Does it really say that?" She was moved by the clarity of what the Bible says about life in the womb.

The debate for life continues in our nation. States like Florida, Texas, and others are passing more pro-life laws to the delight of those who are pro-life and to the outrage of those who are pro-choice. I applaud the bold legislators and politicians who are standing up for the unborn. Like Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida said, "We are speaking up for those who have no voice," referring to babies in the womb.

A few weeks ago, I joined with other believers in praying for life at a local Planned Parenthood in Austin, TX. I was alone most of the hour but counted it a privilege to be able to prayer-walk this establishment and pray for lives to be protected. I encourage you who are pro-life to let your light shine. Show up. Speak up. Be bold, have courage, and represent the precious lives in the womb who desire only to be born and given a chance to live.

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Podcast of the Week

Dare to Die

Would you lay your life down to save another? The Bible calls this the greatest act of love... and of course, no one ever exemplified this better than Jesus, when He endured torture, mockery, and a slow, painful death on the cross to pay for our sins and make a way for us to be reconciled with God. In this episode, Pastor Danny focuses on Jesus' death and other examples of self-sacrifice on behalf of others that will challenge and encourage you.

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Chris Williams