Keep on Praying

Keep on Praying

Today I want to share with you a powerful story about how God answers our prayers, even when it may seem He has not.

Keep on Praying

"Then He spoke a parable to them,
that men always ought to pray and not lose heart."

(Luke 18:1)

Robert Morris serves as the pastor at Gateway Church in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. He shared the following story on his podcast, and it was so powerful that I wanted to share it with you today. One of our church members sent me the episode. Morris closed his message with the following true story:

Pastor Morris was preaching at a conference at a Presbyterian church. He felt the Lord impress him to tell an elderly lady attending that she would teach younger ladies how to pray for their unbelieving husbands to get saved. Afterwards, the pastor of the church said he wanted the lady to tell Pastor Morris her story. She and her husband were married 42 years, and she prayed everyday he would get saved and give his life to Christ. He was on a business trip in FL and was killed in a car accident. A man later called the couple's home and asked for him, but his wife told the man on the phone that her husband had died a month ago. The man got quiet, and he asked if her husband had died on this particular day a month ago. She said yes, but she did not talk to him that day. The man on the phone replied, "Ma'am, I have good news to share with you. I am a businessman. I wear a suit and work downtown. On this day a month ago, God would not leave me alone; I felt led to go to the highway, park my car, and hitchhike. So I did. Your husband picked me up, and I shared Jesus with him, and he was saved before he died later that day in a car accident." Pastor Morris was stunned and greatly blessed by the woman's testimony. Morris said she prayed all that time to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, who is a merciful and compassionate God.

God hears us when we cry out to Him. He loves us and will always answer us in accordance with His perfect, divine will. Our responsibility is to be faithful in prayer and leave the results to God. The widow lady in Luke 18 was persistent in her begging the judge for a fair ruling in her case. The judge finally made his decision in her favor, not out of good motives, but because he was afraid that she would keep bothering him with her pleas. Jesus said in Luke 18:6-7, "Then the Lord said, 'Hear what the unjust judge said. And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them?'"

Keep on being faithful in your prayers. I have seen many times how God hears and responds in miraculous ways. He has a plan. Be patient. Lean into Him, and watch what He will do!

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Podcast of the Week

When Revival Comes, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny continues to discuss the history of Revivals and Great Awakenings, primarily in America, but also in Europe.

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Chris Williams