Most people in Austin, TX know that the letters "SXSW" stand for "South by Southwest", an annual music and film festival held in Austin, TX.


"For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."

(Luke 19:10)

Most people in Austin, TX know that the letters "SXSW" stand for "South by Southwest", an annual music and film festival held in Austin, TX. People come from all over the world to attend the event. A group of pastors started having a conversation a couple of years ago about how we might be able to have a Christian presence at this large gathering. I greatly appreciate the Christ Together Greater Austin board. Pastors like Tim Hawks and Larry Coulter are good friends of mine and men for whom I have much respect. They love the Lord, their congregations, and the lost. As a result of our planning and dreaming, we were able to provide a Christian witness and presence at SXSW last Friday through Sunday.
My wife Ashley and I along with other members of our two campuses, Great Hills Baptist Church and Connect Church Liberty Hill, joined with other believers and went downtown to share Jesus and invite people to a worship service held at Stubb's BBQ on Sunday. God blessed and protected us and gave us great opportunities to represent Jesus to a group of people who did not come to SXSW expecting to hear about Jesus. Our church prayed and gladly participated, and I am so glad we did! I think that is a place where Jesus would go and hang out if He were walking physically on this earth today. There are tons of people, and many have no idea who Jesus is. The three-day event culminated with two worship services at Stubb's that featured Christian music artist Lecrae and a testimony by the CEO of Intel, Pat Gelsinger. Michael Palau, son of Evangelist Luis Palau, gave a clear Gospel message. I look forward to hearing the results of how God blessed and saved many!
As followers of Jesus today, I believe we are at our absolute best when we get outside the walls of our church buildings and go where the people are... but not just go, but go with the purpose of loving them and telling them about the Savior who loves them so much that He died for their sins and arose from the dead, and if they put their trust in Him and turn from their sins, they will be forgiven and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live an abundant and blessed life.

Our biblical text for today contains the mission statement of Jesus Christ: He came to seek and to save the lost. If you know the Lord, this is your same mission statement as well. Is it your desire and practice to go where lost people are and tell them of the Savior who loves them?

Partner with us in spreading the Gospel!

Will you help fuel our efforts to spread the Gospel
and equip and empower other Christians to do the same?
Count me in! ▶

Podcast of the Week

When Revival Comes, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny continues to discuss the history of Revivals and Great Awakenings, primarily in America, but also in Europe.

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Chris Williams