First Things First

First Things First

You know that feeling you get when you have lost something? I do as well, and it is no fun! Have you ever lost your child? Now that is truly terrifying.

First Things First

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

(Matthew 6:33)

You know that feeling you get when you have lost something? I do as well, and it is no fun! In fact, I get this laser focus (not sure if this is a good or bad thing) until I find what I have lost or misplaced. When I begin the search process, whether it is the two usual culprits, my keys or a piece of clothing, I am relentless until I either find it or become convinced the items are gone forever! Or, on a more serious note, have you ever lost your child? Now that is truly terrifying, and there is no intensity quite like a parent who is looking for their lost child.

When our youngest son, Leighton, was around four years old, he went missing. We were visiting Ashley's parents, and we suddenly thought, "Where is Leighton?" About that time a neighbor knocked on the door with Leighton in tow. He asked if he belonged to us. We said, "Absolutely," and the neighbor told us how he spotted Leighton walking down the street having a jolly time. The neighbor was very kind, and he shared about the time they lost his son at church! He somehow got out of the preschool area and went missing. They found him, thankfully, but the panic that sets in quickly when you cannot find your child is most intense.

Jesus commanded us to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. The word translated "seek" is in the present active imperative mood. Simply stated, it means that we are commanded by God to continually seek Him. What if we were to seek God's kingdom and His righteousness with the same intensity as when we have lost someone dear to us, or even with the same intensity we display when we have lost some item that is important to us? I think it would radically change our lives.

Notice in our biblical text for today that we are to seek first what God tells us to seek. It is tempting to seek what we want or desire over what God commands us. We are to seek first God's kingdom, the reign and rule of Jesus, and His righteousness. The Greek word translated "righteousness" (dikaiosyne) means virtue, purity, and integrity.

Jesus gives us a command followed by a promise. If we seek Him first, then He gives us whatever we need. God takes care of His children. He is a good, good Father and knows precisely what we need. He also knows the best time to grant to us what we need. You may be like me and get impatient and start wondering when God will come through. I know He will, I just want it soon! But that is not the best spiritual path. I encourage you to seek the Lord, and then wait on Him to come through. He always has, and He always will.

I close today's devotion with this song by Consumed by Fire, entitled, "First Things First." This song has blessed me, and I pray that it encourages you as well. You can listen here:

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Podcast of the Week

When Revival Comes, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny continues to discuss the history of Revivals and Great Awakenings, primarily in America, but also in Europe.

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Chris Williams