Maximizing Your Spiritual Lives Together, Pt. 5

Maximizing Your Spiritual Lives Together, Pt. 5

Today I will share with you the final three practical pointers for thriving in your marriage.

Maximizing Your Spiritual
Lives Together, Pt. 5

"Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband."

(Ephesians 5:33)

I hope these devotions on marriage this week have been a blessing and encouragement to those of you who are married. Some of you reading these devotions are not married. My friend Terry Hurt has said many times that it is much better to be single than wishing you were single while married! Terry and his wife Debbie are some of the best people I have ever known. They have such a beautiful marriage and wonderful family. Whenever I read Proverbs 20:7, I think of Terry: "The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him."

Yesterday I shared the first two practical pointers that Ashley and I presented to the couples who attended the marriage conference at our church last Saturday. I will mention the first two again and share with you the remaining three as we wrap up this week's devotions on marriage:
  1. Pursue Christ individually.
  2. Pray for and with each other.
  3. Communicate a lot! You really cannot overestimate the importance of communicating with your spouse. Some who are struggling in their marriages may be thinking to themselves, "Oh yes, I know that is important, but is it really that important?" The answer is yes, it is absolutely that important and vital to a healthy and prosperous marriage. Ashley and I talk about everything: the good, bad, and the indifferent. Ashley is the first person I want to share any news with, whether that news is good or bad. When Frances Headley suddenly went to heaven, her husband Glenn and family were devastated. It was such a hard time for them. Glenn loved his wife dearly, and he told me one of the hardest things about her death was not being able to call her on the phone and just talk to her. They had a wonderful marriage, and one of the reasons was that they communicated well and often.
  4. Have fun together. Life is hard at times, and great marriages take effort. It takes work for anything of importance to be successful and blessed. Marriage is no exception. Ashley and I enjoy hanging out, simply having a good time, and doing things we enjoy. We usually go to a movie on Friday afternoon. We go on cruises for vacation, both with other couples and just by ourselves. Most every couple I know is very busy. It is vital that you schedule time to be together and have fun. It is hard when the kids are younger, but babysitters need to be employed, so use them! I really encourage couples of all ages to keep on dating your spouse.
  5. Give much grace and patience to one another. You are human and will make mistakes, do stupid things, say things you should not, lose your temper, etc. So, determine that you will forgive and be gracious to each other. Your spouse is the only person who has a front row seat to your life and sees the good, the bad, and the ugly. Extend mercy and grace to him or her.
I hope these devotions have been a help and blessing to you. Let us pray for one another and for all marriages, that God would bless them and they would prosper greatly.

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When Revival Comes

Pastor Danny discusses the history of Revivals and Great Awakenings, primarily in America, but also in Europe. He also discussed the difference between a revival and an awakening and the conditions that make them more likely to happening.

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Chris Williams