3 Powerful Truths

3 Powerful Truths

Do you feel like Job today? Are you are hurting, confused, and cannot figure out what God is up to in your life? Let me offer you some hope & encouragement.

3 Powerful Truths

"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."

(Philippians 1:6)

In yesterday's devotion, I shared with you a story about Pastor Robert Morris who serves at Gateway Church in the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex. The Lord has greatly blessed him and his ministry. He and his wife have been faithful to the Lord and each other for decades. Gateway has 10 campuses and 100,000 members. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law and their children are members at Gateway. Ayn-Michele speaks so highly of Pastor Robert and their church. For many years, Ayn Michele served on staff at Gateway in the children's ministry.

In 2018, Pastor Morris had a serious medical emergency that nearly cost him his life. He almost died from two ruptured arteries. He said he had a peace and excitement about going to heaven but felt the Lord impress upon him that it was not his time. In the aftermath of the experience, Pastor Morris shared with his church three things that God taught him through this ordeal: Spiritual warfare is real, God answers prayer, and God is in control. (Source.) These are three basic, fundamental truths of our faith, but it is good to be reminded of each one. I am grateful to God that we have the spiritual armor of God as explained in Ephesians 6:10-18. I praise the Lord, for He is indeed the one true God, and He answers the prayers of His people. And the third statement is so simple and so very powerful: God is in control. I hope you are blessed by these three spiritual truths.
It is easy to forget these truths when we are in the heat of the battle, in a valley, or walking through a time of testing. I have been reading the Book of Job for over two months now. I am amazed at this man of God who suffered greatly while He was in a crucible of devastating circumstances, not understanding what God was doing in His life. But God revealed His power and might to Job, and the result for Job was an outpouring of God's favor and blessings.

You may feel like Job today. You are hurting, confused, and cannot figure out what God is up to in your life. Please be patient. God has a plan. You will see it clearly one day.

Remember as you walk this hard road: Spiritual warfare is real, God answers prayer, and God is in control.

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Podcast of the Week

When Revival Comes, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny continues to discuss the history of Revivals and Great Awakenings, primarily in America, but also in Europe.

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Chris Williams