Let's Talk Story, Pt. 2

Let's Talk Story, Pt. 2

Today we will focus on Paul's account of his testimony before a very hostile crowd. These people were out for his blood, and he asks to talk to them.

Let's Talk Story, Pt. 2

"Brethren and fathers, hear my defense before you now."

(Acts 22:1)

Gary LeVox is the lead singer of the band Rascal Flatts. His band is one of the most popular bands in country music today; however, when you read of their humble beginnings, their story is really inspiring. LeVox tells about how he worked for ten years for the same company his mom did. They worked to help challenged adults become productive in society. It was such an enriching job that he hated to leave it. But he packed his belongings and traveled to Nashville, TN to sing with his cousin Jay. He tells of working two jobs: he built swimming pools by day and sold newspapers after playing gigs with the band. He and Jay would sing in Karaoke bars too, and one night, they sang from 9:00 p.m. until 3:00 in the morning... and they made a whopping 27 cents! But they kept at it, and when they added guitar player, Joe Don, they knew they had something special. They have now sold over 20 million albums and have topped 2 billion downloads of their songs! (See "Living on Faith", by Gary LeVox in Guidepost, February 2010, Vol. 64, Issue 12, p. 32-36.) Recently, LeVox and Christian singer Tauren Wells had a hit song entitled, "Until Grace". If you have not heard it, take a couple minutes and listen. Both men are very gifted by God to sing, and I mean to hit notes most cannot!
Today we will focus on Paul's account of his testimony before a very hostile crowd. These people were out for his blood, and he asks for an opportunity to talk to them. Claudias Lysias, commander of the Roman soldiers in Jerusalem, grants him permission. It is so instructive what Paul does not say, beyond what he actually says. You will not read of rebuke and revenge for the beating he just received, but you will read of how Jesus Christ saved him and changed him.

Paul gives us a great example to follow in sharing our own Christian testimonies. Notice the three parts of Paul's testimony: life before Christ (what I refer to as "BC days"), how one comes to know Christ (our BD, our spiritual birthday), and finally (and this should not be overlooked or neglected), our TD (what Christ is doing in our life today).

Paul's life before he met Christ and was changed by the power of God was a life full of religious pride and hatred. Sound familiar? It does to me. My life was filled with religion, pride, and much fear. But praise God, all that changed on the day Jesus saved me! We will talk story some more in tomorrow's devotion. But for today, be thinking through your life before Christ changed you. It will be a good exercise to reflect on how far God has brought you. Until grace, amen!

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Podcast of the Week

Running the Race

There are many spiritual lessons to be gleaned from running. All believers in Jesus are in a spiritual race, and the Bible instructs us to run our race with perseverance. It also provides us with great encouragement, motivation, and admonition. Tune in as Pastor Danny shares that as well as lessons he has learned from his own experience running physical races.

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Chris Williams