Let's Talk Story, Pt. 1

Let's Talk Story, Pt. 1

Everyone loves a good story! God has embedded within the human mind and heart enjoyment of great stories. Jesus knew the power of stories, sharing parables throughout his ministry.

Let's Talk Story, Pt. 1

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."

(Revelation 12:11)

One of my favorite hobbies is to read people's stories. I learn so much when I read biographies and autobiographies. Whether it is famous presidents like Lincoln, Roosevelt, or Truman, or businessmen like John Rockefeller or Steve Jobs, or godly preachers like Charles Finny or Billy Graham, I always learn much from those who have lived great lives. I am currently reading the autobiography of John Paton, missionary to the New Hebrides Islands, and wow, it is incredibly interesting as well as challenging.

This week in our devotions, I will write about the power of your story. The title of these devotions is, "Let's Talk Story". I got this title from my visits to Hawaii on mission trips. Some of you are thinking, "Now, that is a mission trip I want to take!" Interestingly, while Hawaii is physically beautiful, it is spiritually dark. Most living in the Hawaiian Islands do not know Jesus, although there are a few faithful followers of Jesus serving well who could use our prayers and help. The Hawaiian people love stories. So, if you ever visit there and hear someone say, "Let's talk story," then get ready to share your story and listen as they share theirs.

Everyone loves a good story! Jesus knew the power of telling stories, as reflected in the many parables He taught throughout His ministry. God has embedded within the human mind and heart enjoyment of great stories. As followers of Jesus Christ, we have the greatest story ever!

While everyone has a life story, only followers of Jesus Christ have a Christian testimony. This week, we have the great privilege of studying the testimony of the greatest Christian who ever lived, the Apostle Paul. Three times in the Book of Acts, Luke records Paul's conversion story, and it is quite a story. In Acts 9, we read of Paul's conversion, and in Acts 22 and 26, we see Paul recounting his story. For Paul, his conversion on the Damascus Road remained forever in the forefront of his thoughts. He contemplated it frequently and often shared the miracle of change in his heart by the risen Christ whom his eyes had seen.

All of us have a story, and we are in the process of adding to it daily. My prayer for you today is that you will have a Christian testimony and that will be the defining event in your autobiography. If you know Christ and have a testimony of His grace in you, then I encourage you to share it well and share it often.

In Revelation 12:11, we read of a unique group of people who were living through the Great Tribulation. They had given their lives to Christ, and it would prove to be costly. But they were faithful to Jesus, and God gave them victory over Satan. Notice how they did it: they laid down their lives for Christ, they shared their story, and they were fearless. As we continue to live in a world that is becoming more and more hostile to Jesus and His Church, I believe God will likewise use us to live for Christ and share our stories of salvation.

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Podcast of the Week

Running the Race

There are many spiritual lessons to be gleaned from running. All believers in Jesus are in a spiritual race, and the Bible instructs us to run our race with perseverance. It also provides us with great encouragement, motivation, and admonition. Tune in as Pastor Danny shares that as well as lessons he has learned from his own experience running physical races.

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Chris Williams