Finish the Race

Finish the Race

The final part of a race is the finish. There is something absolutely exhilarating about finishing a race. To cross the finish line is truly a blessing.

Finish the Race

"Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing."

(2 Timothy 4:8)

The final part of a race is the finish. There is something absolutely exhilarating about finishing a race. I have never won a race, but I have been able to finish every one I started. I had my doubts during the Ironman, but praise the Lord, He got me through. To cross the finish line and hear your name called out, wow, it truly is a blessed experience. If possible, I always try to finish my races with a sprint. I reach down deep and take off and go hard and finish strongly. And that is precisely how I want to finish the race God has me on as a follower of Jesus. I do not want to quit, become disqualified, or fail to finish. I live for the day when I see Jesus and hear Him say to me, "Well done my good and faithful servant." This motivates me and keeps me going strong for the Lord.

That does not mean I never have a bad day or a setback. I have plenty, and I am so glad God is extremely patient with me, especially in my times of doubt. I'm not sure about you, but where I trip up is when I cannot clearly see the path ahead; that's when I get worried, fearful, and start to doubt. Those are times that I should lean into Jesus even more, trust Him, and not worry. This is my race, and I know I have some distance to go. I have some miles left, and there will be more great times and more challenging times too. But the wonderful thing about the Lord is He gives strength for the journey. He does not call me to a task without equipping me with all I need to complete it with joy.

One of my favorite verses is Acts 20:24 where Paul says, "But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God."

Let me encourage you to keep going and finish well. God has you where He wants you so He can get you where you need to be. Be patient, and put one foot in front of the other; you are doing better than you might realize.

If this week's devotions have encouraged or inspired you, consider passing them along to a friend and praying for them. As you pray and ask the Lord to whom you could send this and offer encouragement, I believe the Lord will put someone on your mind that you can help.

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Podcast of the Week


Most people paused at the end of 2022 to reflect on where they had been through the year, but have you paused to reflect on your trajectory in 2023? Where are you going? Is it where God has called you to go?

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Chris Williams