Let's Talk Story, Pt. 3

Let's Talk Story, Pt. 3

One of the great proofs of Christianity is a radically changed life. A person who has been changed by Jesus Christ is never at the mercy of a mere argument.

Let's Talk Story, Pt. 3

"I persecuted this Way to the death, binding and
delivering into prisons both men and women."

(Acts 22:4-5)

This week, we are focusing on the importance of our Christian testimonies. One of the great proofs of Christianity is the power of a person's changed life. A person who has been changed by Jesus Christ is never at the mercy of someone with a mere argument against the faith. You are an expert on your story. It is, after all, your account of what happened, and no one can refute your experience with Christ.

When sharing your testimony, be sure and do what Paul did in Acts 22: begin by sharing what your life was like before you met Christ.

In Acts 22:1, Paul begins telling his story of conversion by addressing the audience with words of honor to his fellow countrymen. He tells them to akouo, to hear him as he gives his apologias, or defense, from which we get the word "apology". Paul's language is different with this Jewish audience than, for example, when he spoke to Greeks in Athens in Acts 17. His message is the same and focused on Jesus Christ, but his methodology, or the way he packages that timeless message, is flexible and contextualized. Knowing our audience is an important aspect in delivering the message of Jesus. The message changes not, but how we present the Gospel can be much more powerful if we will do what Paul did and speak in a way those listening can understand.

In verse 2, they heard Paul speak in Aramaic and became even quieter. In verse 3, Paul begins by telling them that he is indeed a Jew and a very devout one at that. You will note in Paul's speech that he will both share his Christian testimony and defend himself (apologias) concerning the charges made against him that he was anti-Jewish. Paul was no ordinary Jewish man, but one born in the elite, cultural, intellectual city of Tarsus (in modern day Turkey), raised and educated in Jerusalem, and taught by none other than the famous rabbi and Pharisee Gamaliel. He was as strict toward the law and zealous toward the God of Judaism as anyone. Paul had established great rapport with his audience. He knew his hearers well, and they were most inclined to listen to him based on what he had said thus far.

In verse 4, Paul continues by saying he was a chief persecutor of "the Way", an early title of Christianity. He showed no partiality, but both men and women were imprisoned by this most ardent and zealous Pharisee. It is interesting to me that all of Paul's training and study of the Law did not make him more like the God he claimed to serve but very much unlike Him. Instead of being compassionate and kind to the lost and introducing the Gentiles to the God of Israel, as they were created and commanded to do by God, Paul and the Pharisees were judgmental, cold, and callous toward the very people they were to reach. They were like many religious people—all their religion and learning had made them unlike the God they said they loved and served!

We all have our BC days, the days before we met Christ. As I reflect upon my life before Jesus, I am so grateful to God that He loved me and pursued me in my lostness. He did not give up on me. If you know the Lord, then you too can praise God with me that He did not give up on you either. Praise the Lord!

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Podcast of the Week

Running the Race

There are many spiritual lessons to be gleaned from running. All believers in Jesus are in a spiritual race, and the Bible instructs us to run our race with perseverance. It also provides us with great encouragement, motivation, and admonition. Tune in as Pastor Danny shares that as well as lessons he has learned from his own experience running physical races.

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Chris Williams