Showing Hospitality

Showing Hospitality

Hospitality in the early church was more a necessity than a luxury. The followers
of Jesus depended on each other as they were persecuted for their faith.

Showing Hospitality

"Be hospitable to one another without grumbling."

(1 Peter 4:9)

Last Thursday night, our son Bryant and his wife Kyndall dropped in for a visit with some of their close friends. They spent the night, and after breakfast on Friday morning, they headed to San Antonio to compete in a Spartan Race. It reminded me of a few years ago when Bryant, our other son Leighton, and I ran a Tough Mudder race together in Dallas. See photo below:
I enjoyed the race because it was fun doing something with my adult sons. We played very hard when they were growing up. We spent countless hours, along with our daughter Hannah, playing kickball, football, wiffle ball, and well, just about anything that included a ball. Throw a trampoline in the mix as well. Those were some wonderful days.

It was neat hosting Bryant and Kyndall and their friends. Like Bryant, they are all on staff in student ministry at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano and Prosper, TX. I am glad we could open our new home and host them. Ashley gets a little nervous when we host people, and she works hard at having everything just right for our guests. Here lately we have had different people stay with us for a few weeks in a row, and Ashley has been a great hostess.

Our biblical text for today commands followers of Jesus to be hospitable to one another. The Greek word translated "hospitable" is philoxenos, which means to be generous toward or fond of guests. We do not claim to have the spiritual gift of hospitality, as some do, but we enjoy having people in our home... and being hospitable does not require that spiritual gift! Romans 12:13 (NIV) states, "Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice hospitality." The word translated "practice" means to pursue or seek after earnestly.

Hospitality in the early church was more a necessity than a luxury. The followers of Jesus depended on each other as they were persecuted for their faith.

Let me encourage you amidst these days of isolation and cocooning to open your hearts and your homes to others. Invite people over for a meal and share the love of Jesus with them. Or, when a bunch of pastors need a place to stay, let them in, bless them, and send them on their way.

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Podcast of the Week

The Beatitudes, Pt. 16

Pastor Danny continues his series about the Beatitudes of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount, recorded in Matthew 5-7. In this episode, he concludes his examination of Matthew 5:10-12: "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake..."

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Chris Williams