Leadership Lessons: Provide for Others, Pt. 2

Leadership Lessons: Provide for Others, Pt. 2

Good spiritual leaders like Paul and the Old Testament prophets are not hesitant to get busy and put in a little sweat equity. How about you?

Leadership Lessons:
Provide for Others, Pt. 2

"Yes, you yourselves know that these hands have provided for my necessities, and for those who were with me."

(Acts 20:34)

How are you doing as a leader? Are these not some difficult days in which to lead? While I understand that it is always challenging to lead, I think you would agree that in our current condition as a nation, leaders are being stretched and challenged like never before. I heard Pastor Craig Groeschel state in his podcast that in both the business and church worlds, leaders are looking to make a change. Forty percent of people are looking to leave their current employment in the business world. Not all of these people surveyed are in leadership positions, but I imagine many are. In the church field, it is worse. Forty-one percent of pastors are not only looking to leave their current ministry positions, but they are also considering leaving the ministry altogether. Yes, these are very trying days. Where do we go for help and motivation to keep going? We go to the Word of God for in the Scriptures we have all we need to live life to its fullest.

Paul provided for himself and for others. He physically worked as a tent-maker, and with his own money, he provided his own sustenance. He also provided for those with him, those who lived and labored with him. The word "provided" has the meaning of rowing, and if you have ever rowed a boat, you know that it takes much strenuous manual labor. Paul was not afraid of hard work.

Paul reminds me of the prophets Haggai and Zechariah in Ezra 4. These prophets encouraged the people of God to continue the work of rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem. Ezra 5:2 states, "So Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and Jeshua the son of Jozadak rose up and began to build the house of God which is in Jerusalem; and the prophets of God were with them, helping them." I love the last part of this verse. Those prophets of God got busy and physically helped the leaders rebuild the Temple.

I am blessed to serve with some very gifted and godly leaders at our church. Our staff are not afraid of hard work. Each one of these men and women lead their ministries well, but they are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and do some good ol' manual labor.

All of us on staff at GHBC have been anticipating the arrival of the trains we purchased several months ago to use during our annual Christmas @ Great Hills events. Well, the trains finally arrived recently out of the port in Houston. They arrived at our church a couple of weeks ago during our normal Monday afternoon staff meeting. Our Director of Communications, Kat Kennedy, came to the meeting and said, "We need some help!" So, we dismissed the meeting, and we all went to the parking lot to get the trains unloaded and assembled. We cannot wait to utilize these trains to reach many for Christ this December 9-11, 2022, at this year's Christmas @ Great Hills.

Good spiritual leaders like Paul and the Old Testament prophets are not hesitant to get busy and put in a little sweat equity. How about you? Do you as a leader step up and help when the need arises, no matter what the need is?

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Podcast of the Week

Finish the Race, Pt. 1

God desires for each of us to finish the race He has set before us, and to finish it well. Pastor Danny begins a new series delving into this topic with specific focus and reflection on the life of the Apostle Paul.

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Chris Williams