Leadership Lessons: Provide for Others, Pt. 1

Leadership Lessons: Provide for Others, Pt. 1

Great leaders know that it is not about them but others. The focus is not on advancing their personal gain or influence; rather, it is advancing the team.

Leadership Lessons:
Provide for Others, Pt. 1

"I have coveted no one's silver or gold or apparel."

(Acts 20:33)

Last week, we learned some helpful leadership principles from the Apostle Paul in Acts 20. Paul was an excellent leader. While stopping at Miletus on his third missionary journey, he called for the elders of the church at Ephesus to come and meet with him one last time. He addressed them and gave them powerful and helpful instructions. He also gave some praiseworthy leadership principles that speak to us today. Paul presented the truth, gave vision and instruction, and poured his life into others.

Good leaders today do the same thing for their organizations: they speak the truth in love. They do not sugar coat challenges but address them head on. Strong leaders also provide a path forward. They acknowledge the challenges, but they also present instructions on how to deal with challenges while also giving a vision for the future. These leaders also pour into the next generation of leaders, those who will take the baton of leadership.

If you are a leader, I hope you are encouraged and motivated by the stellar example of the Apostle Paul. Some of you are leaders in families, churches, businesses, politics, or a sports team. You know how important good leadership truly is. Our nation in every facet of society needs solid, trustworthy, and wise leaders. I know that this is a most difficult and strenuous time to carry the weight that leadership entails, but what a great opportunity this is to be used by God!

We will continue to look at Paul's leadership skills and draw strength and wisdom from his sage advice and excellent example. In our text for today, as Paul wraps up his speech to the pastors from Ephesus, he shows us the importance of providing for others. Great leaders know that it is not about them but others. The focus is not on advancing their personal gain or influence; rather, it is advancing the team. Few things are more sad or harder to endure than to serve under the leadership of a man or woman who is consumed with self. It breaks your spirit and makes you look for a way out of there if you have to live under the tyranny of poor leadership.

For Paul, it was all about Jesus and how he as a pastor and evangelist could advance the Gospel and help others excel in their leadership.

In verse 33, Paul tells them that he has not coveted or lusted after silver, gold, or clothing. You cannot bless and provide for others if you constantly desire things that you do not have. The blessed man is the one content with what he has and where he is, and as a result, he can bless others.

More tomorrow on how good leaders are all about others!

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Podcast of the Week

Finish the Race, Pt. 1

God desires for each of us to finish the race He has set before us, and to finish it well. Pastor Danny begins a new series delving into this topic with specific focus and reflection on the life of the Apostle Paul.

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Chris Williams