Leadership Lessons: Provide for Others, Pt. 3

Leadership Lessons: Provide for Others, Pt. 3

Great leaders model the behavior they desire to see in those they lead. They are able to say, "Do as I not only say, but also as I do."

Leadership Lessons:
Provide for Others, Pt. 3

"I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

(Acts 20:35)

Great leaders model the behavior they desire to see in you. One of the best men I have ever had the privilege of knowing was Dr. Roy Fish, professor of evangelism at Southwestern Seminary for many years. I took him for every class I could while a student at Southwestern. He led by precept and by example. He would challenge us to be bold in sharing our faith, but he did so with examples of him sharing his faith as well. Dr. Fish could tell us with integrity, "Do as I not only say, but also as I do." Dr. Matt Queen is following in the footsteps of Dr. Fish. Dr. Queen teaches evangelism at Southwestern and is doing a fantastic job. He is constantly taking his students outside the classroom and demonstrating for them firsthand what it means to go and fish for men.

Paul says in verse 35, "I have shown you." I love that statement. He did not say, "I told you," but rather, "I have shown you." He worked hard with his hands as a tent-maker and gave an example to the leaders of the church at Ephesus that they too must not be afraid of hard work in providing for themselves and others. You see Paul's heart clearly in the next words in verse 35 when he talks about the weak. "Weak" is the Greek word astheneo, which means powerless, poor, and sick. The poor and destitute of Ephesus would also hate to see Paul leave, for they knew he was a man who, if he possibly could, would help them. Let me ask you, when you leave your current position or when you leave this planet and go to the afterlife, will the poor miss you?

Next Paul quoted our Lord. These words are not recorded in the Gospels but passed down as an authentic saying of Christ: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." This is one of the greatest statements in all the Bible about stewardship. Next week, I will write more about this verse. But for now, concentrate on Who gave us this powerful statement. It was Jesus Christ! Talk about great leaders... He was the best! He provided for others constantly. In the Gospels we read of many instances where Jesus not only met people's spiritual needs, but He also met their emotional, mental, and physical needs. Great leaders do this. They are all about others, not absorbed with self.

If you want to leave a legacy where people miss you and grieve over the fact that you are gone, then be a generous giver and provider to others.

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Podcast of the Week

Finish the Race, Pt. 1

God desires for each of us to finish the race He has set before us, and to finish it well. Pastor Danny begins a new series delving into this topic with specific focus and reflection on the life of the Apostle Paul.

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Chris Williams