Proclaim His Praises

Proclaim His Praises

There are many more unsaved people willing to hear about
Jesus than Christians willing to share. Let us change this!

Proclaim His Praises

"That you may proclaim the praises of Him who
called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."

(1 Peter 2:9)

This week's devotions are all centered on encouraging you to verbally share the good news of Jesus Christ with lost people. There are many more unsaved people willing to hear about Jesus than Christians willing to share. Let us change this! Let us be bold and seize every opportunity God gives us to do what Peter tells us: "Proclaim the praises of Him."

On Sunday, we will complete our sermon series called BLESS. The goal in these messages is to encourage and equip our church to love and share with their lost neighbors by following this acronym from Dave and Jon Ferguson:

Begin with prayer
Listen with care
Eat with and engage
Serve others
Share Jesus

As you pray for your neighbors and others to come to know Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord, if you listen intently and show compassion to them, if you eat with and engage them, if you serve and help them, then rest assured, it is only a matter of time until you will have the opportunity to share Jesus with them.

If you were asked the following question, how would you respond? "Hey, there is something different about you. You seem to have so much peace and joy. Why is that?" Well, the hinges on the door of gospel opportunity have been flung wide open for you; now is your time to tell them about Jesus Christ and how He is the source and reason for your purpose, peace, and joy.

Recently, I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me to share again with the lady who cuts my hair. I have shared with her a few times before, but I felt like God was impressing me to share again. I used an approach that I have not used very often. I simply opened my Bible app and read my favorite verse in all the Word of God, Romans 10:9, and held it up for her to read it as well. I can tell she was deeply impressed by this verse, and I explained to her this was the verse God used to bring me to Himself as a teenager. I told her that when the Bible used the word "saved" here, it was saying we could go to heaven. Pray for me to continue this dialogue with her. Oh, and she asked me to send that Bible verse to her because it was wonderful, and she wanted to share it with her two daughters. Praise the Lord!

Love God and love people. The best way you can demonstrate your love for both is to tell someone about Jesus Christ. Do it today.

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Podcast of the Week

Readings and Homilies in Romans, Pt. 11

Pastor Danny continues his series reading through the book of Romans one chapter at a time and afterwards offering a homily. In this episode, he reads and comments on Romans Chapter 11.

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Matthew Hall