"So Moses returned to the Lord and said, 'Lord, why have You brought trouble on this people? Why is it You have sent me? For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has done evil to these people; neither have You delivered Your people at all.'"
(Exodus 5:22-23)
I am currently reading the Book of Exodus in my quiet times with the Lord every morning. Each morning, I read a chapter in the Book of Proverbs and then pick up where I left off the day before in reading the Bible straight through. I have read Exodus many times, but something jumped out at me from this sacred text recently, and I want to share it with you today. Whenever I get a word from the Lord, I get really excited and want to share with as many people as I can!
Giving you a little background information on our text will be helpful. God had called Moses to be the deliverer for the nation of Israel. They had been in Egyptian bondage for 400 years. Another Pharaoh rose to power who did not know Joseph (Exodus 1:8). When Moses told Pharaoh that the LORD had sent him to free the Israelites, the Egyptian king did not take the news very well. In fact, he punished the Hebrews and made life even more unbearable. Now here is where I had my "aha" moment. Moses, Aaron, and the children of Israel were doing all that God had told them to do, and as a result, they got into a mess!
Can you relate? Have you ever tried to do all that you believe God wants you do, and instead of things turning out great, things actually got worse? If so, then you are in good company! What happened next? Exodus 5 says that the children of Israel complained to Moses (Exodus 5:21), and then Moses took his complaints and concerns to God (see our verses for today, Exodus 5:22-23). But then comes chapter 6. God calmed Moses down by doing two things: 1. God reminded Moses who He was, and then 2. God reiterated the previous command to go and tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go.
It is the same for the people of God today. Just because you experience heartache and trouble after obeying God does not mean that you missed God or that He is punishing you. God is still in control, and He could very well be wanting to reveal more about Himself and more about you in these tough moments. But rest assured: God has a plan and He will be victorious. We all know how the Exodus turned out. With a mighty arm, God led the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.
Are you confused and frustrated and tempted to think that perhaps God has let you down? He has a plan; hang in there, be still, and watch what God will do in His perfect timing!