"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
(1 Corinthians 15:52)
Things can change very quickly. With news you did not see coming, your life can be forever altered. We often think of such quick change in terms of tragedy, but our lives can change quickly in triumphant ways as well. For example: you and your spouse get pregnant for the first time after years of trying; you get a promotion at work with a substantial raise; a loved one for whom you have been praying accepts Jesus as Savior and Lord; you find a church that you absolutely love and want to get involved and serve. Yes, you could even win the lottery and your life would change, no doubt! But things can change suddenly in difficult ways as well: you get a terminal prognosis from your doctor; your loved one dies suddenly; you lose your job with no severance; you experience a painful breakup or divorce.
I think about our nation and how quickly things can change for us as a county. We are experiencing some prosperous days as a nation, but all of that could change suddenly. We could go to war with one of our many enemies; a hypersonic missile could hit one of our US cities; the stock market could crash again; the country's electrical grid could be attacked. Yes, there are many things that could greatly disrupt our otherwise tranquil lives.
Speaking of the USA, I hope you pray for our leaders. Especially, I ask you to pray for President Donald Trump, for God to grant him wisdom as he leads our nation. Is it not interesting that just to read his name causes such a wide array of emotions? The "Ever Trump" folks feel he can do no wrong, and the "Never Trump" folks say he can do nothing right. Don't you think the truth is somewhere in between, like it is for all of us? We all have our good days and bad. But one thing is sure, speaking of our President: we should all pray for him, whether we voted for him or not. We are commanded to do so in Scripture in 1 Timothy 2:1-2. I prayed for President Obama every day he was in office, and I will do the same for President Trump and every future president in my lifetime.
The Apostle Paul tells us of another change that will happen suddenly: Jesus Christ will come again! Praise the Lord what a day that will be. When He comes, the dead in Christ will rise (see 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and our Scripture verse for today, 1 Corinthians 15:52). Those who have preceded us in death and are currently with the Lord will receive their final resurrection bodies. Wow--talk about things changing!
Are you ready for that great day? It could happen at any moment. Jesus could come for His Bride (the Church) today. The best way to be ready is to know Jesus and be in service to Him when He comes. Of course, we are ready eternally if the Holy Spirit lives within us. But I want to be actively engaged, not in some sinful behavior, but in godliness, serving the Lord when He comes.
When Jesus comes back, everything will indeed change. "He who testifies to these things says, 'Surely I am coming quickly.' Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus." (Revelation 22:20)