Preach the Word

Preach the Word

What an incredible honor & privilege to preach the Word of God. A friend of
mine asked me recently, "When do you plan to retire?" I answered, "Never."

Preach the Word

"Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct,
rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction."

(2 Timothy 4:2, NIV)

What an incredible honor and privilege to preach the Word of God. While recently speaking with a friend of mine, he asked me, "When do you plan to retire?" My response was, "Never." My desire is to stay close to Jesus and preach His Word with passion and compassion until He takes me home to heaven. It really is one of the greatest joys and privileges of my life. I am grateful to God for those who have modeled for me biblical preaching and those who have encouraged me along the way in ministry to be faithful to the sacred text and proclaim what God has said.

If you have a pastor who obeys this biblical command to preach God's Word, then please know that you are blessed. Also, know that if he is faithfully proclaiming the Bible, then he is under attack from Satan. The enemy would love to tempt, deceive, and eventually take out your pastor. Why? Because as your pastor faithfully teaches the whole counsel of God, he is a genuine threat to the kingdom of darkness and a powerful proponent of the Kingdom of God.

My good friend Ronnie Hill, an evangelist out of Fort Worth, TX, preached yesterday at Great Hills Baptist Church in Austin, TX. Ronnie is one of the most gifted evangelists in our nation. He loves the Lord, his wife Jennifer, and their son Jake. He is quite an accomplished calf-roper, and also a marathon runner. If you want to know more about Ronnie's ministry, visit his website:

Tonight, as the Lord wills, I will be in Amarillo, TX, preaching at Paramount Baptist Church. Pray for me, please, as I do what the Apostle Paul commanded all pastors to do: preach the Word of God. My text tonight is Romans 15:13: "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as your trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." If you are in the Amarillo area, come out and join with us in worship. I think you will love what God is doing in the life of this church and their pastor, Dr. Andrew Hebert.

Why is biblical, textual preaching so important today? Whether in Paul's day or our own, it is imperative that men of God preach the sacred text of Scripture. Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no prophetic vision, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law." The Word of God is what God uses to convict sinners to see their need for the Savior. The Word also feeds the hungry souls of the people of God. Unfortunately, we have many pastors and preachers who have abandoned the text of Scripture in favor of more topical and overly problem-solving-oriented preaching. I am no religious curmudgeon, but the need of the day is not more preaching that solely addresses needs and emotions, but the proclamation of the Bible, which truly speaks to and satisfies the hungry soul.

As in the days of the prophet Hosea in the Old Testament, there is a real lack of knowledge of God in our land. Please join me in praying for all pastors, teachers, and evangelists, that we would faithfully expound the Bible to the hearers. God will do a mighty work both in the preacher's life and especially in the lives of those who hear "Thus saith the LORD" sermons.

Thank you again for your prayers for me as I preach God's Word. I am so grateful to so many dear people like yourself who pray for and support me in my calling. Thank you!

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Podcast of the Week

Nicodemus, Pt. 4
(For the One)

Pastor Danny continues his analysis of Jesus' interactions with and impact on Nicodemus, shares C.H. Spurgeon's conversion story, and talks a bit about running the Dopey Race at Walt Disney World this weekend.
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Matthew Hall