"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."
(Hebrews 12:1)
It is Day 2 of the Dopey Race, and the distance to run is 10 kilometers, which is about 6.2 miles. By God's grace and strength, this will be a great day, and I will finish this portion of the Dopey Race. I may have to walk a little to save some energy for the next two days, but here we go!
When the writer of the book of Hebrews mentions the cloud of witnesses, what do you think he means? I don't believe that people in heaven are looking down upon us here on the earth. I believe they are so very occupied worshiping Jesus and serving Him. Also, for those in heaven to look upon us here on Earth and see some of our pain and suffering would undoubtedly cause sadness. But there is no sadness or crying in heaven (Revelation 21:4). I believe the cloud of witnesses refers to the legacies and testimonies of those who have preceded us in the Christian race. They have run their races well and given us a pattern to emulate. It is very inspiring to me to be able to read about great men and women of God who have gone before me and finished the race in a way that pleased God. I want to do the same.
In order to run the race of serving Jesus here on earth and finishing well, we need to cheer on one another. I have only showed the following video one time, and that was for a men's group here at Great Hills Baptist Church. I share this with you today to encourage you. This video shows the last 1.5 minutes of me finishing the Ironman Race in Texas on April 27, 2019. After a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride, and then a 26.2-mile marathon, I came to the finish line. The lady's voice you hear cheering for me is my wife, Ashley, who was encouraging me and my friend, Gary Jones (as well as the others who passed by), to finish. Interestingly, 1,110 people either did not finish the race, never started, or were disqualified.