"For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."
(Luke 19:10)
We are so glad that our book, For the One, is out and people are able to get a copy. My desire is, as people read it, they learn more about the greatest person ever to walk upon this earth: Jesus Christ. I also hope that they are inspired to imitate Jesus in sharing the Good News with those with whom they interact.
A couple Saturdays ago, while at Academy Sports, I met a young man who was working as a cashier. I found out he was a senior at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX. He was kind, but I felt that perhaps he did not wish to hear me share with him about spiritual things. But I decided to bring up the subject of the Lord anyway, and I am so glad that I did. When I invited him to our church and gave him my business card, he paused, looked at the card, and I kid you not, said these words: "It is interesting that you are inviting me to church, because I just made a resolution to get back in church." We had a great, albeit short, conversation, and I am so glad that I did not listen to the voice in my head that said, "Oh, he isn't interested in spiritual matters."
Most of the time, when we reach out to another person and seek to bring up Christ or church or offer to pray with him or her, it goes well. Of course, there will occasionally be those who are not interested, and they will let you know that either verbally or non-verbally. Please keep in mind at those times that it is not your responsibility to win an argument or ensure that they get saved. God is the one who convicts and convinces the sinner of his or her need for the Savior. Our job is to lovingly speak to them about Christ and let God do what only He can do. My favorite definition of witnessing (a.k.a. evangelism) was given by Dr. Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. He said that witnessing is simply "sharing the Gospel of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God." What a great and liberating word.
Last week when I was in the Dallas/Fort Worth area attending a meeting, I spoke to the man who worked behind the desk at the hotel. I asked if there was anything for which I could pray for him. His eyes widened, and he said, "Yes, for good health, and also please pray for me that one day I own my own hotel." I prayed for him out loud right then and there and then gave him my card and a Gospel tract I wrote called The Five Crosses. He was very appreciative and receptive. I did not have much time, as he was working and I was heading to my meeting, but God blessed our conversation, and I was able to plant the seed of the Gospel.
Today, you may be the person that God chooses to use to share Christ with another. Is that not absolutely amazing? You may say, "But I do not think I am ready or able to do that?" Please let me help you. One of my great joys in life and one of my spiritual gifts as an evangelist is to build you up in your faith by equipping you to witness for our Lord. In For the One, I will teach you how Jesus interacted with people. He is the absolute best person to learn from! I hope you read it and are blessed and challenged to go and tell.
I will pray for you even now that God would bless you and grant you the courage to seek out and speak to those with whom God wants you to share the Gospel today.