"And let us not grow weary while doing good,
for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."
(Galatians 6:9)
Are you already tired even though it is only the second day of the new year? Everyone is so busy these days, and the prospects of slowing down are not looking good. I understand that there is much to do with pressing deadlines and tasks only you can do, but I want to share some things with you that God has been teaching me recently, and they have to do with rest and rhythms. I am currently reading my third book on this same topic. For all three of these, someone either gave me the book or highly recommended it and I bought it. The latest book I am currently reading on the subject of rest is entitled, Take the Day Off, written by Pastor Robert Morris. Morris is the founding pastor of Gateway Church in the Dallas / Fort Worth area here in Texas. The church has grown from a few families to around 35,000 people attending just one of their multiple weekend services at one of their campuses. He writes very candidly how God showed him how it was imperative that he slow down, find a new rhythm in life, and rest.
All three of these books address what is perhaps one of the most neglected of the Ten Commandments: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." (Exodus 20:8) God worked six days creating the world and then rested on the seventh day. Why? Was He tired? Hardly. He rested to help us create a rhythm of life that would include the vital component of rest. (I compare God resting on the Sabbath day to Jesus getting baptized by John in the Jordan River. Was Jesus confessing His sins? No, not at all; rather; He was providing an example that all of His followers should emulate: water baptism.)
A few months ago, when I started reading this literature on rest, a lady in our church approached me and said she felt that the Lord wanted her to tell me something. I listened intently, because I know for a fact this lady walks with God. She told me--you guessed it--that God had impressed upon her to tell me that I needed to rest. Plus, I have a couple of deacons in our church who keep reminding me of the importance of taking a sabbatical leave so that I can recharge and rest. I know a sabbatical is coming in the future, but I do not want to miss what God is showing me currently. It is imperative to build in times of rest. All work and no rest or play makes for a miserable day.
I think part of the key to us not growing weary is knowing when to rest. We should give our best in all we attempt to do. Perseverance is a trait of every person who has success. I believe both pressing forward and giving our best and also implementing rest are praiseworthy actions that require faith. We ought to trust God that He will use our best and trust Him that He is pleased with our rest.
How well are you at resting? Yes, I know you are busy, and I also know a thing or two about persevering and working hard. But God has clearly commanded us to rest. We will be far better and productive for it!