

Before very recently, I had never heard of a piece of technology called a
"damper", although I have always enjoyed the results of this little motor...


"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all,
especially to those who are of the household of faith."

(Galatians 6:10)

Before very recently, I had never heard of a piece of technology called a "damper". I have always very much enjoyed the results of this little motor in my attic, but I did not truly appreciate it until it broke. A damper is a device that helps control and regulate air flow in your AC/heating system. The AC repairman came to our house and informed us that the motor was broken and that it would cost us $1,000 to have it replaced. I was like "Wow! Are you serious?" To not have it replaced would cause some serious discomfort in the winter for guests staying upstairs, because the hot air would be dumped in large proportions without much regulation. We knew it had to be replaced. Fortunately for us, our brother-in-law, Jay, has his own AC and heating business and said he would replace the damper over the Holidays. He bought a new motor for $90 and replaced it in like 5 minutes. Instead of focusing on the original expensive estimate for a new damper for our home, I will instead focus on the kind deed Jay did to help us out. Jay and his wife, Ayn-Michele, love the Lord, and their hearts are as big as Texas.

In our biblical text for today's devotional, the Apostle Paul teaches us to do good to everyone. What kind of world would we live in if everyone obeyed this biblical command to simply to do good to others? We would live in a much kinder world, that's for sure! But then Paul goes a step further and says that we are especially to do good to those who are a part of our family, the church, or as Paul calls us, "the household of faith." As followers of Jesus, we are not of this world. We do not live according to the world's values, but we strive to please God, live lives that are honoring to God, and help bring His kingdom to earth. Jesus laid out this quality of life for us in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. Living according to His ethical standards will cause us to stand out, for sure. Not everyone will follow Christ; in fact, we are taught in Scripture that most will not accept Jesus (Matthew 7:13-14). Therefore, those of us who know Christ should take care of one another and gather at least weekly to fellowship and worship Jesus with each other.

How much good are you doing for the household of faith, the church of Jesus Christ here on this earth? Allow me to encourage you to say a kind word of affirmation and do a good deed in Jesus' name for your brothers and sisters in Christ. You will bless those you help, and God will bless you for obeying His Word.
Podcast of the Week

Nicodemus, Pt. 2
(For the One)

Danny continues his analysis of Jesus' impact on Nicodemus.
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Matthew Hall