"Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert."
(Isaiah 43:19)
Welcome to a new decade! God is so gracious and kind to allow us to live another day, but especially when that day is the first of a new decade.
Do you have a theme word for 2020? Many Christians identify one particular word that they believe captures the essence of what they will pursue for the new year. The word I am being drawn to for 2020 is the word "forward". It is similar to the word Howard Schultz used when times were hard at Starbucks Coffee. Schultz made Starbucks what it is today, and in the process, he has become a very wealthy man, worth over four billion dollars today. I read his story a few years ago, and it is a fascinating American success saga that is still being written today. But times were not always prosperous for Schultz and Starbucks. There were some very lean and hard times for him and his company. During these tough times, Schultz would sign his correspondences with one word. The word was, "Onward." In fact, the title of his book, co-written with Joanne Gordon, is, Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life Without Losing Its Soul.
I know there is much difficulty and heartache in this world. Lots of things happen that we simply have no control over. But I believe God is up to some great things, and He wants to involve you and me in His plans. Yes, God is at work all around us, and He is bringing much glory to His name and many people into His Kingdom all over this world. God wants to include, not exclude, you and me in spreading the sweet fragrance of the Good News of Jesus all over the world. As you and I partner with God in this endeavor, a couple of things will happen: one, you will be involved in the most rewarding adventure of your life, and two, you will enjoy the peace and joy of God in ways you have not before.
In today's biblical text, the prophet Isaiah looks forward to better days for the people of God. In Isaiah 43:16-21, he reflects back on the first Exodus when God led His people out of Egypt. He now looks forward to the eventual return of Israel to their land, out of foreign captivity, but there is also another forward-looking aspect in his prophecy. J. A. Martin explains it this way: "Still a third and more glorious 'Exodus' will take place when the Messiah returns to regather His people (cf. 43:5-6) and establish His millennial reign on earth." (from Isaiah, in J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, Vol. 1, p. 1097)
I am looking forward to seeing all that God does in my life, family, and ministries in 2020. I am looking to move forward, not backward, into the opportunities and challenges that await me. How about you? Will you move onward and upward with Jesus in 2020, diving into all that God desires for you to accomplish for His great glory and your unprecedented good?