A Mighty Fortress is Our God

A Mighty Fortress is Our God

Christian, be encouraged and empowered with
the truth of Psalm 62: God is your FORTRESS!

A Mighty Fortress is Our God

"This week, I have asked my son, Bryant Forshee, to write our daily devotions. Bryant is the Minister to Junior High Students at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX."
- Pastor Danny
"He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress;
I shall not be greatly shaken."

(Psalm 62:2, ESV)

Earlier this year, my good friend Josiah got married to his bride, Erica. For Josiah's Bachelor party, the groomsmen took him to play paintball. We had one rule from Erica: Josiah cannot get hit in the face, and I can confidently say that we abided by this rule. One way that we played paintball was called, "Capture the Flag". The premise of the game is this: one team tries to come and grab the flag, the other team defends the flag. Personally, I liked defending the flag because of one huge advantage: the fortress.

The fortress was this giant inflatable that had small holes for you to put your paintball gun through and fire at oncoming assailants trying to capture your flag. It was exhilarating being in the fortress. You could hear the paintballs hitting the fortress, you could look out and see the enemies coming closer, you could put your paintball gun out and fend off the oncoming attack. Being in the fortress gave me so much confidence, hope, and freedom to win the round of Capture the Flag, because I knew I was secure in the fortress.

Christian, be encouraged and empowered with the truth of Psalm 62: God is your FORTRESS!

If you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, if you have put your faith and trust in Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, then God is your fortress. This fortress is exponentially superior and more excellent than a silly inflatable paintball fortress. This fortress is the omnipotent, omniscient, transcendent, Holy God of the universe. This fortress is the One who created everything with the power of His voice. This fortress is stronger than sin and the grave. This fortress is impenetrable and unshakeable. In the words of Martin Luther, "A mighty fortress is our God!"

With the almighty God as our fortress, Psalm 62 tells us that we will not be greatly shaken. Yes, there will be tough times--we are living in them right now--but our God is a mighty fortress that we can put our hope, defense, and trust in.

Continuing in the pattern that we had in yesterday's devotional, what I want you to do right now is go back to the top and re-read Psalm 62:2. Read it nice and slow.

Now, I want you to take a minute of silence. Put everything away, put the distractions and the noise away, and sit in the silence. While you are in the silence, think of the truth of Psalm 62:2, that God is your rock, your salvation, and your FORTRESS.
Podcast of the Week

Word for the Week: Forgiveness

Continuing in our "Word for the Week" series, Pastor Danny focuses this episode of REvangelical on the word "forgiveness".
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Matthew Hall