A Moment of Silence

A Moment of Silence

Is anyone else going stir-crazy, or is it just me? These several weeks
of social-distancing have really started to take their toll on me.

A Moment of Silence

"This week, I have asked my son, Bryant Forshee, to write our daily devotions. Bryant is the Minister to Junior High Students at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX."
- Pastor Danny
"For God alone my soul waits in silence; from Him comes my salvation."

(Psalm 62:1, ESV)

Is anyone else going stir-crazy, or is it just me? I don't know about you, but these weeks upon weeks of social-distancing, quarantining, and hand-sanitizing/washing constantly have really started to take their toll on me. I have begun to feel anxious about what is going on, anxious about what is going to happen, and anxious about when this unprecedented time will end.

In the midst of these anxieties and uncertainties, the Lord, in His goodness and mercy, brought me to Psalm 62. Psalm 62:1 is what I want to encourage you (and myself) with today. If you may have skipped over the verse above, take this moment right now and read it for the first time. If you read it at the beginning, take this moment to read it again, nice and slow.

The first word that sticks out to me is the word, "silence." Living in the 21st century, this word can almost seem antiquated and outdated. We are constantly filling our lives with "noise", whether it is turning on your favorite playlist on Spotify when you hop in the car, or having Alexa (your Amazon Echo) play you some music when you are at home, or the constant notifications that are pinging your phone. Our world is inundated and saturated with noise, noise, and more noise. Noise is not necessarily a bad thing, but there is power in the absence of noise: silence.

Silence can be deafening. It can be uncomfortable; however, as Psalm 62:1 points out, silence can bring us to a freeing realization that God alone is whom we can trust. In the midst of our current predicament, amidst the anxieties and uncertainties, we can put our full trust and faith in God. Why? Well, Psalm 62:1 tells us that our salvation comes from God! If you have a relationship with Jesus, you know the following:
  • You know the faithfulness of Jesus to forgive you of your sins because of His work on the cross.
  • You know the faithfulness of the Holy Spirit of God promising to never leave you.
  • You know the faithfulness of God: that He who began a good work will see it to the end.
With these truths, we KNOW that God has been faithful in the past, He will be faithful to us in the present, and He will be faithful to us in the future.

What I want you to do right now is just take a moment of silence. Pause all the distractions around you, get to a quiet place, and think about how God is faithful.

For me, being quiet and still before the Lord makes me submit my fears, anxieties, and questions under the faithful, loving, omnipotent God with whom I have a relationship.

Be encouraged today and tomorrow with the truth of Psalm 62:1.
"For God alone my soul waits in silence; from Him comes my salvation."
Podcast of the Week

Word for the Week: Forgiveness

Continuing in our "Word for the Week" series, Pastor Danny focuses this episode of REvangelical on the word "forgiveness".
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Matthew Hall