Moments in Life

Moments in Life

Something that I have been trying to implement in my own life is to examine
specific moments in my life and see how God's Word speaks to them.

Moments in Life

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Junior High Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church.
- Pastor Danny
"Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you."

(Colossians 3:16a, CSB)

God's word is amazing! This is not the first time you have heard that statement, nor will it be the last, but the word of God is absolutely wonderful. It speaks to so many different topics in life; it is the road map for our lives; it provides hope in dark times; it provides joy in sad times; the Word of God is powerful and amazing.

Something that I have been trying to implement in my own life is to examine specific moments in my life and see how God's Word speaks to them. For example, when temptation comes, what does Scripture say about the moment of temptation? When someone cuts me off in traffic, what does Scripture say about that moment of frustration? When my wife and I are enjoying a date night, what does God's Word say about that moment of happiness? I think if we were to examine our lives, we would see God's sovereign and delicate hand in our lives way more than we could ever imagine! I think we would see that as we go through moments in life, God and His word speak to any and every moment!

What "moments" are you going through?

Is it anxiety over what is going to happen in the future or what is currently happening in our country?

Is it happiness about the start of a new year?

Is it temptations that are constantly coming up in your life?

Is it success that you're experiencing in life?

Whatever the moment is, how can "the word of Christ dwell richly" in your heart and mind in that moment? How can you begin to see God's sovereign hand working in your life to make you a better follower of Jesus?

Here are just a few moments that I have on a daily basis and the Scriptures I turn to:

Moments of fear: Isaiah 26:3

Moments of temptation: Romans 10:13; Colossians 3:1-2

Moment of waking up in the morning about to do my quiet time: 1 Samuel 3:10

Moment of walking into the office for work: Colossians 3:12; Ephesians 6:10-18

As you go through moments throughout the day, how does God speak to you through His Word? Let us be people who let the Word of Christ dwell RICHLY in our lives.

Reboot, refresh, and refocus this year!

Last year was challenging, so we want to help you have a fresh start in 2021 with Pastor Danny’s sermon series Restart. Get your copy when you give today!

Get your copy of Restart

Podcast of the Week


Pastor Danny brings a message of encouragement and hope to help you start the new year off right. With all the chaos surrounding us in our world today, it is vital that we remember why we should have hope and where our hope comes from.
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Matthew Hall