Love for People

Love for People

Christmas is such a great time to tell people about Jesus,
because during the holiday season, they are willing to listen!

Love for People

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Junior High Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church.
- Pastor Danny
"For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."

(John 3:16, CSB)

IT'S CHRISTMAS WEEK! If you have not watched Elf yet, are you even celebrating the Christmas season right? All kidding aside, the Christmas season is absolutely upon us, and where Kyndall and I live, we are actually experiencing some colder weather, which has really helped us get in the mood for Christmas. With the Christmas season upon us and the celebration of the birth of Christ in a few days, what has your attitude been towards evangelism and telling people about the great news of God's Son coming to earth to offer us salvation?

I have always heard and still believe that Christmas is such a great time to tell people about Jesus, because during the holiday season, they are willing to listen! They are willing to listen to how Jesus wants a relationship with them, how Jesus died on the cross for their sins, and how He resurrected three days later, triumphant over sin and death. This is the most amazing news, and this gift of salvation is available and ready for everyone who will repent and believe!

Especially with the truth of "people are willing to listen" in my mind and heart, I feel like telling people about Jesus is something that I must do. It is the Great Commission ("Go and make disciples.") from Jesus Himself, after all! In my own life, I have found that when I reflect on my own personal salvation, I am much more prone to share and to do so joyfully, emphatically, and confidently. What has your perspective or mindset been when you share the greatest news with others?

Is it something that you HAVE to do?

Is it something that you do flippantly and routinely, not really humbly expecting the Lord to do something amazing?

Is it even something you are doing at all?

With these questions in mind, I want to go back and look at the verse for today: John 3:16. This is a very famous passage, but look at the way the CSB puts it, "For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." With this verse in mind, let loving and giving be the way that we share the Good news with anyone who is willing to hear us this Christmas season. Let us transition from a mindset of pressure and obligation to an overwhelming adoration of what God has done for us in our lives which makes us want everyone to experience what we have in Christ.

Let love be your motivating factor and your guide for evangelism, for your telling others about the amazing news of Christmas: that Jesus has come to earth, and He is the only way to salvation and a relationship with God Himself. Let love for what God has done for you in your own life be the motivation for you to share and give the free gift of salvation to those to whom you witness.

Who can you love today by sharing the Good News of Jesus with them?

Podcast of the Week

Challenging, Exciting Times

Although we are indeed living in very challenging and difficult times, there are also many new opportunities and many reasons to be excited about what God is doing and how each of us can be a part of it.
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Matthew Hall