Identity in Christ, Pt. 2

Identity in Christ, Pt. 2

What does it mean to be "complete in Him"?

Identity in Christ, Pt. 2

"And you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power."

(Colossians 2:10)
I recently met with someone at our church who was struggling with issues related to his identity in Christ. He knows and loves the Lord but has recently been wrestling with finding his identity in what he does and with his performance. He shared with me that he knew that the better option is simply resting in Christ. I totally agree. I too, like many believers, have struggled with trying to prove my worth through what I do (performance-based identity) instead of resting in who I am as a child of God (grace-based identity). The Holy Spirit gave me a word to share with him, and I want to share it with you today: Jesus is enough, and because of His grace, you are enough. What does that mean? It means that when you know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, then the Son of God lives in you by the power of the Holy Spirit, and you are fully accepted into the Beloved. He who matters the most knows you and receives you as His daughter or son.
Read today's verse, Colossians 2:10, one more time, but this time, read it slowly, meditate on it, and give the Spirit time to really speak to your heart from the Word of God. Ruminate on what it means to be complete in Him. The Greek word translated "complete" is pleroo, which means "to be filled to the brim, replete, or crammed". Think about it like this: when you commit your life to God, He fully accepts you as His child and you are filled with the Spirit of God, complete in Him, and completely imbued with the power of God!

You may be thinking, "When you put it like that, it makes me feel pretty special." You are special! You are complete in Him. Jesus is enough. You need no other confirmation or validation when the Son of God calls you His own. Let the Word of God soak deep within you today. Be still and unhindered for a few minutes, reflecting on what the Bible says about you.

Max Lucado in his inimitable way states:

"There are many reasons God saves you: to bring glory to himself, to appease his justice, to demonstrate his sovereignty. But one of the sweetest reasons God saved you is because he is fond of you. He likes having you around. He thinks you are the best thing to come down the pike in quite a while. . . . If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If he had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, he'll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and he chose your heart. And the Christmas gift he sent you in Bethlehem? Face it, friend. He's crazy about you!"

Enjoy your day by reminding yourself throughout this day that as a follower of Jesus you are absolutely complete in Him.
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Podcast of the Week

Interview with Damon West

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show author and public speaker Damon West. Damon has an incredibly powerful testimony that will bless and inspire you! He went from being hooked on hard drugs, committing crimes, and being sentenced to 65 years in prison, to getting saved by Jesus Christ, being radically transformed, having his sentence commuted very early, and now writing, speaking, and inspiring people all over the world. You don't want to miss this fantastic interview!

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Chris Williams