Identity in Christ, Pt. 3

Identity in Christ, Pt. 3

You are "fearfully and wonderfully made", knitted together in your mother's womb by God Himself.

Identity in Christ, Pt. 3

"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well."

(Psalm 139:14)

What a powerful passage of Scripture! I often think on this verse when the topic of abortion is debated. This verse teaches us that God is very pro-life. He creates every single human being within the womb of the mother. It is a sacred place, because the handiwork of God is fully on display. Psalm 139:13 states, "For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb." God makes no mistakes. He created you in His image, meaning, you are His highest form of creation and can know Him and be in a relationship with Him. Like God, you can think, reason, and clearly know right from wrong.

Back in 2013, I was attending an important event at the Capitol in downtown Austin, TX. Legislators were voting on a bill that would protect the lives of unborn children who are capable of feeling pain (20 weeks old and up) and place other restrictions on abortion providers. Many came to protest against the bill. It was a very hostile environment. Those who do not know Christ clearly demonstrate that spiritual reality by the lives they live, the belief systems they embrace, and the words they speak. After a pro-choice senator took the stage and rallied her constituents, the audience was asked if anyone else would like to speak. My hand went into the air and I was thinking to myself what in the world am I going to say to this packed assembly, most of whom were adamantly pro-choice. When I took the stage, it was eerily quiet, but the moment I began to speak I was shouted down. There was also a group of women up front who began what I can only describe as some sort of demonic chant. To say this was very unnerving is an understatement! Someone dismissed the crowd, but there were some really good conversations that took place afterward. I will never forget the reaction of a young lady when I shared with her Psalm 139:14. She asked, "Is that really in the Bible?" I told her it was, and then I showed her where it was in the Bible. She was taken aback by it.

If God meticulously crafted you in your mother's womb, then you know that He cares for you. And God went on record once and for all, clearly demonstrating His love for His creation when He sent His only Son, Jesus the Christ, to suffer and die on a cross for the sins of the world. If the enemy of your soul is causing you to doubt who you are in Christ, or if he is reminding you of past wrongs and sins, then remind him of his future! The Bible says Jesus wins and Satan loses. Revelation 20:10 states, "The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever."

Praise God for victory in Jesus!

Child of God, you are on the winning team. You are a winner, a champion because of Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). Jesus conquered the grave, and as His son or daughter, you are His.
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Podcast of the Week

Interview with Damon West

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show author and public speaker Damon West. Damon has an incredibly powerful testimony that will bless and inspire you! He went from being hooked on hard drugs, committing crimes, and being sentenced to 65 years in prison, to getting saved by Jesus Christ, being radically transformed, having his sentence commuted very early, and now writing, speaking, and inspiring people all over the world. You don't want to miss this fantastic interview!

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Chris Williams