"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has
put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out
the work that God does from beginning to end."
(Ecclesiastes 3:11)
All of this week's devotions will focus on the subject of our identity in Christ.
Everyone, at some point in life, struggles with their identity. We often compare ourselves to others and feel we come up short or possess some inadequacy. Many spare no expense to make themselves feel special, worthy, and recognizable. I think social media has inadvertently given rise to much self-promotion.
Where do you find your purpose, fulfillment, and true meaning in life? The world offers man counterfeits that seek to satisfy a void that only the Spirit of the living God can satisfy. Many believe that if they just look a certain way, marry the right person, dress in the latest fashion, get the right education, make a certain amount of money, etc, then they will feel complete. But all of these earthly pursuits only leave us desiring and searching for more.
Solomon says in
Ecclesiastes 3:11 that God has put eternity in our hearts. Our hearts are created for Him and can only be fully at rest, complete, and satisfied when we find our identity in Christ.
Augustine, the Bishop of Hippo, Africa, died in AD 430. Many consider him one of the Church's greatest theologians. He is the author of several instructive and influential works, like
The City of God, and
On Christian Doctrine. The quote he is perhaps most known for is, "Hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee Oh God." This is such a powerful and memorable statement.
The Lord spoke to my heart recently with this word: There are two types of people in the world: those who surrender to God's authority in their lives and those who resist it. Which one are you? To resist God and try to find our fulfillment in other people or things only leaves us restless. But to know God and live in submission to His will is the way to truly live. Jesus said in
Matthew 16:25,
"For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it."
God loves you, created you, and has only the very best for you. You will find His best when you fully surrender to His lordship in your life. If you have not already, do it now! Ask Jesus to be the boss of your life and for Him to lead and you to follow.
I look forward to sharing more this week about who we are in Jesus Christ. I am praying now for those who will read this week's devotions. My prayer is that God would give you peace and confidence and that you would walk in victory knowing who you are and all you possess in Christ.