Come What May

Come What May

Sometimes what may seem to be a small victory is actually a rather large
one. 80% of success is just showing up. Don't get discouraged! Persevere!

Come What May

"But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God."

(Acts 20:24)

I love Paul's dogged determination to serve Jesus Christ at all costs, come what may. He had that sterling character trait that all great men and women of God have: they do not give up! They persist. They keep going, even when they do not think they can.

Sometimes what may seem to be a small victory is actually a rather large one. I saw my friend Drew at the gym last week. He recently set the Texas state record for bench press in his age division. He bench-pressed 360 pounds in the 60-64 year-old division. That is impressive! Drew and his wife Becky are delightful people who love Jesus. I asked him how he was doing last Tuesday as he was leaving the gym. He said he was okay, but not great. But then he told me, although he may not have had a great workout, at least he was there and did much better than if he had stayed home. I shared with him the Woody Allen quote that "80% of success is just showing up," and he laughed and agreed.

Do you ever feel like that? you are not getting much accomplished, or you feel defeated? If you are still moving forward, no matter how small the steps, then you are still in the game! I congratulate you for being faithful and doing the best you can.

If you feel a bit weary and need a little motivation, I invite you to listen to the song "Come What May" by the Christian band, We Are Messengers. Here are some of my favorite lyrics in the song:
Sometimes sorrow is the door to peace
Sometimes heartache is the gift I need
You're faithful, faithful in all things

In every high, in every low
On mountain tops, down broken roads
You're still my rock, my hope remains
I'll rest in the arms of Jesus
Come what may
Come what may

There is deep joy that You give to me
Where hurt meets the healing is a holy thing
I see goodness, Your goodness
In all things, yeah

Here is the video. Take a listen; I think you will enjoy the song and be blessed by it.

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Podcast of the Week

REvangelical Rewind:
Todd Kaunitz on Seeking God Through Tough Times

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor Todd Kaunitz who shares what he learned about God and prayer through a season of difficulty and doubt.

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Chris Williams