Leadership Lessons (Pt. 1)

Leadership Lessons (Pt. 1)

I hope these leadership lessons I share with you from my own life
encourage and motivate you to be the best leader you can be.

Leadership Lessons (Pt. 1)

"So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart,
And guided them by the skillfulness of his hands."

(Psalm 78:72)
King David was a great leader. God chose him to lead the nation of Israel. He guided them for forty years. Not all those years were blessed and prosperous, though, because of poor and sinful choices David made. But overall, he did a great job, and this Psalm of Asaph praises David for the way he shepherded the people of God. I love that metaphor of a shepherd as leader. A good shepherd loves the people entrusted to his care. He also leads with integrity and guides with skillfulness.

Our next couple of devotions focus on this very important topic of effective leadership. Rob Daniel interviewed me for a class he was taking at Liberty University. I enjoyed the interview and putting down on paper the answers to his questions on the great topic of leadership. So, I thought I would share with you my answers to his very good questions. Everyone reading this devotion is a leader of some sort. You either lead in your home, at school, in church, or at work. I hope these leadership lessons I share with you from my own life encourage and motivate you to be the best leader you can be, to make an indelible imprint on the lives, churches, and companies you influence. Leadership is influence, and I pray that God uses me to increase your leadership effectiveness.
  1. What book has had the greatest impact on your understanding of leadership?

    The biblical book of Nehemiah is a treasure of leadership principles! Two other books that have taught me much about leadership are, Hand Me Another Brick, by Chuck Swindoll, Good to Great, by Jim Collins, and John Maxwell's books.
  2. What are the most important "nuts and bolts" lessons you can give me?

    Develop the leader within. Be a man or woman of integrity who is always growing in your own leadership skills. The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 1:5: "For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake." This scripture reminds me of Aristotle's famous teaching on effective communication. He said the speaker must have logos, pathos, and ethos. (For a good read on this subject, check out this article by Gini Beqiri.) Logos refers to the content of your message; pathos is the passion with which you deliver the message, and ethos (to me, the most important) is the character and integrity you possess that gives you the authority to share your message.

    Focus on humility and integrity. My friend and 3-star retired General, Bruce Wright, once told me, "Whether you are talking about a fighter pilot or a preacher, all the great ones are humble."

    Focus on others, and help them accomplish their dreams and goals. Serve others, and God will take care of you.

    Dream big. As Rob Daniel likes to say, "You thinking small helps no one."

    Focus on the depth of your leadership, and let God take care of the length and breadth. If our promotions or advancements outpace our character, then that is a recipe for disaster.

    Learn from the greatest leader ever, Jesus, who always spoke the truth in love, loved deeply, gave His best, and changed the world!
  3. What are your reading habits?

    I read the Bible daily. I also enjoy biographies and autobiographies. I just finished reading Elizabeth Turnbull's bio on her grandfather, Wally Turnbull, entitled, Say to these Mountains. I am currently reading Tony Evans' new book, Kingdom Men Rising. I enjoy books on leadership, and the latest book I read in this genre was Adam Grant's book Think Again, which is very good and insightful.
  4. What blogs do you read on a regular basis?

    I enjoy reading Carey Nieuwhof and Jim Denison.
  5. Who are the historical figures who have influenced you the most?

    By far, Jesus first. Then Paul, Joseph, David, Moses, Joshua, and Nehemiah. I have also learned a lot from Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Billy Graham, Charles Finny, Adoniram Judson, John Adams, George Washington, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Tomorrow I will conclude sharing with you my answers to these questions on leadership. I am praying for you that God blesses and empowers you to be the leader He intends for you to be.

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Chris Williams