

I am praying for God's breakthrough, for a move of God so powerful that
it can only be explained as a direct act of God upon us. Will you join me?


"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."

(Ephesians 3:20-21)

The focal point of our weekly prayer meeting at Great Hills Baptist Church last Wednesday evening was breakthroughs. Many in our church are seeking the Lord for a breakthrough of one type or another. It may be a spiritual breakthrough, overcoming a habit, or letting go of a hurt or an offense. Others need a financial breakthrough. Some are seeking an intervention from God at work or in their marriage or family. It was a powerful and sweet time of prayer, and what a blessing and privilege it was to join in with many and pray for personal breakthroughs. The biblical text we studied briefly on Wednesday evening was Ephesians 3:20-21: "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen." The words translated "is able" and "power" are the same word in Greek: dunamis. Interestingly, the word translated "work" is the Greek word energeo; from which we get the English word "energy." To God be the glory, He alone is worthy, for He is the One who does the great works.

I asked our staff for their thoughts on the word "breakthrough". They had some great responses:
  • Freedom in Christ through His Spirit over things of the flesh (or sin).
  • Finally getting the result you've desperately wanted for a long time.
  • Nothing/nobody is holding you back anymore, including yourself.
  • Being at the point of giving up, but giving it one more effort, and you break through!
I am praying for God's breakthrough, for a move of God so powerful that it can only be explained as a direct act of God upon us. Will you join me in this prayer?

Are you asking and seeking God for an "exceedingly abundantly above" breakthrough? No matter the size of your request, the challenge, the roadblock, God is able, and He has the power to do anything. If He chooses not to respond in the way you had hoped, that does not diminish God's power; I think it only accentuates it. God is so omniscient that He knows what is best for us and can see into the future when we certainly cannot. How many times have we looked back on how God responded on our behalf, only to conclude yet again that God knows best? True, there are things we will not understand until we get to heaven. But then, we will see clearly and be even more amazed at how awesome God is!

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Podcast of the Week

REvangelical Rewind:
Todd Kaunitz on Seeking God Through Tough Times

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor Todd Kaunitz who shares what he learned about God and prayer through a season of difficulty and doubt.

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Chris Williams