Here Am I, Send Me (Pt. 5)

Here Am I, Send Me (Pt. 5)

Why do you think so many followers of Jesus do not answer the
call to serve and be on mission? I can think of a few reasons why...

Here Am I, Send Me (Pt. 5)

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'"

(Isaiah 6:8)
We have been looking at Isaiah 6:8 all week. Looking over the verse again today, the little verb "am" jumped out to me. The prophet of God did not delay in answering the call of God on His life. He did not say, "Lord, I will be available later, check back with me tomorrow, or next week, or next year." No, he made himself available at the very moment God asked for a volunteer to go and be on mission.

God has some wonderful assignments for His children, opportunities for us to be on mission with Christ as He goes after the lost. When we make ourselves available to God and respond like Isaiah did and simply say, "Here I am. Send me!" then we are in for quite an exciting ride.

Why do you think so many followers of Jesus do not answer the call to serve and be on mission? I can think of a few reasons why:
  1. We are not listening to the voice of the Spirit. If Satan cannot tempt us to sin, then he will make us busy. He knows that if we get caught up in the busy cycle of life, then we will not hear God's call to us. Isaiah was worshiping the Lord when He received his call to go and serve. I encourage you to daily set time aside to read God's Word and listen to Him. Then, throughout the day, keep listening to how God might speak to you and lead you to be involved in His call on your life.
  2. We are overly burdened with our own stuff. This one trips me up often. I get so busy doing good things and fulfilling my many responsibilities that I miss hearing what God is saying. I can get so busy doing the good things that I miss the best thing. There is nothing better than to walk in the Spirit and go directly to the opportunity God puts before us.
  3. We do not care. I know that is blunt, but isn't it true? We are so preoccupied with what we want that we fail to care what God wants for us. If we truly cared, then we would slow down, get our priorities in order, and do what Isaiah did. He made himself available in the moment.
So many Christians have a "one day" mindset. One day they will walk deeper with the Father. One day they will be available to be on mission with Jesus. One day they will ask the Holy Spirit to fill them completely. One day they will say to the Lord that they are all-in and ready to go. But often, that one day never comes. But that can change for you today. Let that one day in the future be this day. Let this be the day that you say, "Here I am Lord. Use me. Take me. Do whatever You desire in and through me this very moment."

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Podcast of the Week

REvangelical Rewind:
John Burke on NDEs & the Afterlife

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor John Burke of Austin's Gateway Church & author of "What's After Life?" & "Imagine Heaven". They discuss near-death experiences, heaven, hell, & how we should live our lives in light of our knowledge of the afterlife.

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Chris Williams