

All followers of Jesus need accountability. This is a powerful thing to have in your life on many levels. Jesus held His disciples accountable to walk with Him and witness for Him.


"Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, 'Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.'"

(Luke 10:17)

Today, we will pick up where we left off last week, walking through Pastor Levi Skipper's evangelism training that he calls "No Sweat Evangelism". Last time, we discussed the first step to make sharing Jesus simple: own your role as a missionary. How do we do this? View yourself biblically as an ambassador for Christ, kill the ANTs of "you can't," comparisons, and fear, and finally, he said we must invite accountability.

All followers of Jesus need accountability. This is a powerful thing to have in your life on many levels. Jesus held His disciples accountable to walk with Him and witness for Him. He coached them and listened to them when they came back from going out and sharing Him with the lost. A great book I highly recommend is Robert Coleman's The Master Plan of Evangelism. While teaching evangelism in seminary, I would have all my students read this classic and write a report on it. A great way to have this type of accountability to share Jesus is being a part of a discipleship group with other believers where you can discuss the opportunities God gave you to share the previous week.

The second step in sharing with others, according to Pastor Levi, is: choose to be super intentional. It starts with how we begin our day. Begin each day with prayer and Bible reading, and ask God to help you be a witness for Him this day. When we have a daily quiet time with Jesus, He will put on our heart what is always on His heart, and that is taking the Gospel to another person. Think of it like this, God had One Son and He made Him a missionary! We are messengers, missionaries, and ambassadors as well. We are to be bright lights illuminating every darkened corner we enter, living out loud for Christ and speaking about Him often.

You can do this! God will not command you to do something He will not empower you to accomplish. He will help you! Part of being intentional in our witness for Christ is praying every day for the Lord to guide us and give us opportunities to brag on Jesus. This is a prayer God the Father loves to answer in the affirmative: "Lord, help me share You with someone today."

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Podcast of the Week

The Importance of Sharing the Gospel

Pastor Danny shares a message of motivation toward sharing the Good News of Christ with everyone we can, as well as some practical tips and techniques.

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Chris Williams