"Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us."
(Romans 8:33-34)
It was a powerful moment when Tasha Layton, while speaking to a group recently in Orlando, FL, asked the question, "Where was Jesus when you got hurt?" Everyone has been hurt. No one gets through life without very painful things happening to them. We live in a fallen and sinful world. There is a real devil and demons, and there are those willing to do Satan's bidding and inflict much hurt and damage on God's highest creation: mankind.
I went back in my mind to a very painful event in my childhood. There were many events like this that happened to me, but this one stood out. I was around six years of age and terrified, fearful for my life. I was under a large piano, holding tightly, not wanting to come out from underneath the piano and face what was about to happen to me. Many of you can relate. I am sorry that it happened to you, as I am sorry that it happened to me.
So, where was Jesus? As I closed my eyes, I saw this picture of Jesus kneeling down beside me under the piano with His right hand stretched out and placed on my shoulder. I knew what this vision meant. Jesus was there the entire time! He did not leave me but prayed for me to get through. And I did. And so did you. You are alive today because Jesus got you through. As Tasha sings, "The enemy did everything that he could do, but look what You've done."
Here is a picture of Tasha Layton and me in Florida during a break in the conference I attended: