The Strategy to Be an Overcomer

The Strategy to Be an Overcomer

We should not be surprised when spiritual warfare ratchets up in our lives on the eve of God using us in powerful ways.

The Strategy to Be an Overcomer

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."

(Revelation 12:11)

As I prepare for my upcoming mission trip (which I will have left on by the time you read this), I feel the pressures and resistance from the same ol' enemy–really, my only enemy: Satan. I have asked a small group of prayer warriors if they would pray for my team and me as we travel to two countries in Asia. I have gone to one of these two countries probably a dozen times. It is hard, and there is opposition. But God. Praise His name; He is stronger, and He goes before us.

We should not be surprised when spiritual warfare ratchets up in our lives on the eve of God using us in powerful ways. I believe the Lord is going to do mighty things on this trip. I will have the honor of preaching messages to many pastors in Asia who are serving in hard places. Then my two traveling companions and I will go spend time serving among our people group that our church adopted 12 years ago.

What is the strategy we need to overcome Satan? John gives it to us in our biblical text for today. Notice the three things we must have in order to overcome the evil one and all his tactics. First, they overcame (the Greek word is nikao, from which we get the brand name Nike) the devil by the blood of the Lamb. What will be true of these Tribulation Saints in Revelation 12 can be true for you and me today prior to the Great Tribulation. We can overcome Satan, but not in our own strength. We must plead the blood of Jesus. We recall how the blood of Jesus has saved us, made us clean, and prepared us for heaven. Our salvation is secure, so no matter what Satan hurls at us in his rage, we do not fear, because our eternity is sealed.

Second, we overcome by the word of our testimony. We share our story with all who will listen. When we do, the enemy retreats. Why? Because he hates being reminded how we no longer belong to Him, because Jesus has saved us and bought us with His blood which He shed on the cross. If you are under spiritual attack, as I am today, one thing I would advise is to tell your salvation testimony to someone today. You may not feel like doing it, but do it anyway. God will help you, and Satan will leave you.

Third, we overcome Satan with courage. John tells us that this group of saints in the future will exhibit great courage; they will not love their lives, even unto death. They will sacrifice their wills and even be willing to forego their very lives for the cause of Jesus. With that kind of courage and determination, Satan does not have a chance!

I pray that you too will suit up for the spiritual battle that awaits you. Plead the blood. Share your story. Be courageous!

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On Mission

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Chris Williams