Yesterday we read Psalm 119:11, which tells us to store up God's Word in our hearts in order to keep from sinning. This storehouse of truth has another purpose: Scripture encourages us. When we need encouragement, we can of course just open our Bible and search for encouragement. We can Google something. We can ask someone else. But there is nothing like being able to recall truth from God's Word in the moment to fill your heart with encouragement and hope when you need it.
Recently, I have struggled more than normal with my autoimmune issues. This has forced me to miss church a few times and many other things during the week. This is a perfect storm for me to give way to discouragement. Isolation, not feeling well, missing things that are important to me... this is certainly not a good mix. In the midst of the worst of it, two friends of mine came to visit me and brought me a gift basket. Of all the things in that basket, I was most thankful for a little jar with rolled up pieces of paper inside, on which my friends had written down encouraging Scripture verses for me to read whenever I am struggling. Being stuck in bed is a great time to memorize Scripture! So these little encouraging bits of truth have helped me to store up more truth in my heart to encourage me when I feel weary.
There have literally been times where I didn't have the strength to reach for my Bible. But the Word that I had stored up in my heart got me through. Recently I have been wanting to memorize Romans 12, as it is so full of helpful teaching and encouraging reminders. In these trying days, Romans 12:12 came to mind, and it encouraged me: "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."
Just as we store up truth to keep us from sinning, we store up truth to keep us from discouragement. Whether you're a mom feeling overwhelmed with today's to-do list, someone stuck in bed struggling with their health, or someone trying to get through life as usual, but deep down, you're grieving something, we all need encouragement. There is nothing so encouraging as the Word of God. I pray that you will look to memorize encouraging Words and promises of God so that in any moment when you need them, you can make a withdrawal of hopeful truth to carry you on.