"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver."
(Proverbs 25:11)
Words matter, and they matter a lot. We have been looking this week at how powerful our words are and how, as Proverbs 18:21 says, death is in the power of the tongue, but so is life! What an amazing reality. We can create life, hope, courage, and a host of other wonderful realities by the very words we speak to other human beings.
My favorite proverb is this one: "Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad." (Proverbs 12:25) One of the powerful tools we have in our spiritual arsenal is the power of the spoken word. We can literally change a person's life with the words we speak. The talented actor, Robin Williams, died at age 63 by taking his own life. Many were saddened to hear of his suicide, how he felt so hopeless that he took his life. The sad reality is that there are many people in our world like Williams—they appear to be happy on the outside, but inside they are struggling profoundly. I cannot help but think that if someone could have told him about the grace of God and spoken words of life, hope, and healing, then his life would have been spared. You can change a person's life with the words you speak. Today, take the time to encourage someone. You never know—it may save their life!
How do you speak words of life and gladden the heart of another? I am not talking about flattery; Proverbs warns against this. Flattery is when you speak kind words but with an impure heart. You selfishly hope that by saying a good word that you will receive something in return. Proverbs 29:5 says that the one who flatters is actually setting a trap or a snare.
So how do you communicate a good word and build someone up? First, you do this by simply speaking to that person. Tell them why you respect or appreciate them. Point to a trait, a characteristic, or a gift they have, and commend them for it. Please do not excuse yourself by saying you do not have the gift of encouragement. People often joke about not having the gift of mercy, as if that in some way excuses them for being abrupt and mean. If you are thinking about speaking a kind word to someone, please do it. Satan will not tempt you to build someone up with sincere words of praise. He will always tempt you to curse or to flatter.
Second, send an encouraging message. Text or email someone, or better than that, write a hand-written note. In our world of quick messaging through X, TikTok, and Instagram, we are missing out on a very powerful way to communicate.
In tomorrow's devotion, I will share more practical ways we can build up others with the words we speak.