Fighting on Your Knees, Pt. 1

Fighting on Your Knees, Pt. 1

Have you ever been guilty of praying too much? I don't think so. Me either. It is a crucial if not the most crucial aspect of our lives as Christians.

Fighting on Your Knees, Pt. 1

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."

(2 Timothy 4:7)

In our devotions this week, we are going to probe deeper into the wonderful Christian discipline of prayer. The older I get and the longer I walk with God, the more I see how prayer is not only important, but it is also vital and necessary for followers of Jesus. Prayer has always been the hallmark of those who know God, and it will continue to be until Jesus returns.

Dr. Charles Stanley, who served as the pastor of FBC Atlanta, GA for nearly 50 years, entitled his 8th Life Principle "Fight Your Battles on Your Knees". Like the previous seven messages in his series, I listened to this one and was greatly blessed by his teachings. I will share with you what I gleaned from Dr. Stanley as well as teach on the doctrine of prayer from my own perspective, convictions, and practices. I pray even now that God blesses you this week as you study more in-depth with me how we fight and win our battles through prayer.

Have you ever been guilty of praying too much? I don't think so. Me either. It is a crucial if not the most crucial aspect of our lives as Christians. It is a critical part of our walk with God, and we all can learn more and practice better. I learned many valuable spiritual truths as I listened to Stanley's message on prayer. He was one who not only taught about praying but someone who actually prayed. It is one thing to know how important prayer is, but it is an entirely different matter to actually pray. I will encourage you this week to not just learn more about praying but also challenge you to do it. Spend more time with your Heavenly Father on bended knees. He loves us and desires for us to be in His presence so He can speak to us, comfort us, and show us the way we should go.

Stanley speaks of prayer not as a luxury or something we might do but a spiritual discipline that is vital if we are to live the Christian life. He said the battle began in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve fell by listening to Satan and sinning against God. We all have our battles, whether they are external or internal. Perhaps you are reading today's devotion about prayer and you are struggling with doubt, animosity, unforgiveness, or rejection. How do you deal with these and the numerous other battles you will face? If you are a Christian, you will have battles! It doesn't mean that something is wrong with you; rather, it means you are a child of God on your way to heaven, and the enemy of your soul hates you.

Paul wrote, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7). The best way to fight, to do spiritual battles that impact everything in our lives, is (you guessed it) to pray! We must put on the full armor of God. The primary thing Satan does not want you to do is pray. He will try and keep you busy and distracted; he doesn't care what else you do if you don't fight on your knees. He knows that if you do not pray then you will not make the difference you could or be your best. I think this is true for churches as well. I shared with our Wednesday evening prayer group at our church that the enemy tolerates much of what we do in church, he even inspires some of what happens (like gossip, selfishness, and preferences held too strongly), but he hates it when God's people pray.

As we close today's devotion, will you join me in praying for our nation on this day as we remember 9/11/2001? Thank you, and more on prayer tomorrow!

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Podcast of the Week

Life Principles: #7: The Dark Moments in Life, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny wraps up his discussion of Dr. Charles Stanley's 7th Life Principle: The Dark Moments in Life.

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Chris Williams