"Each of the four living creatures had six wings; they were covered with eyes around and inside. Day and night they never stop, saying, 'Holy, holy, holy, Lord God, the Almighty, Who was, Who is, and Who is to come.'"
(Revelation 4:8, CSB)
My wife Kyndall and I have recently moved to Northwest Arkansas! Now, if you are not too familiar with NWA (Northwest Arkansas), it is REALLY pretty! There is a particular area that is absolutely beautiful on I-49 from Fort Smith to Fayetteville. There are trees, leaves, and hills all around. It is so pretty, and every time we drive this road, I cannot help but think about our awesome Creator God and the stunning fact that a relationship with Him is possible through the finished work of Jesus Christ.
Do you have moments or areas that make you ponder about God? Maybe it's a specific scenic spot; maybe it's every time you see your grandkids; maybe it's every time you go to church. I don't know what the moment or spot is for you (and there could be a plethora of these moments or spots), but how good it is for our souls to just stop and ponder the awesomeness and holiness of God, for our minds to be transported and locked in on the indescribable God of the universe Who is so worthy of our praise, affection, obedience, and all of our lives.
When I think about the awesomeness and holiness of God, I am reminded of Revelation 4:8. The verse that tells of the magnificent creatures who never stop saying, "Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God, the Almighty, Who was, Who is, and Who is to come." These creatures have a direct view of God, and they never stop praising God for Who He is. What if today, you set a specific time in your day to ponder the awesomeness and holiness of God and joined in with the four living creatures by praising God, saying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God, the Almighty, Who was, Who is, and Who is to come."
I think these days we can become so busy and so consumed with our lives that we don't think about the greatness, majesty, and worthiness of our God, the holy God, the Lord God, the Almighty. I know in my job as a youth pastor, I can get wrapped up in meetings, planning, and the hustle and bustle of everyday life that I forget to ponder the awesomeness and holiness of God. I know that I have my morning time with the Lord, and that time is so sweet and so heart-and-life-enriching, but why do I not stop more often throughout the day and join in with the creatures singing their beautiful song that they sing day and night?
Here is the challenge for myself and for you today: take intentional time today to ponder the awesomeness and holiness of God by singing and/or praying Revelation 4:8.
See how this intentional time of worship and awe takes your mind off things around you and sets it instead on our holy, awesome God.