"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked;
for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap."
(Galatians 6:7)
This week, we are diving deeper into the biblical principle of sowing and reaping. What do you think of when you hear this farming analogy? I mentioned on Monday the first thing I usually think of is a garden. If you sow good seeds and take care of those seeds, then you will get a good crop. Maybe you thought of something else. Maybe the first thing to pop into your head was Galatians 6:7. Principles, like laws, are created by God and cannot be altered or ignored. For example, I may dislike the law of gravity and step off the ladder expecting to float slowly to the floor, but we all know this is not what will happen! There will be no floating, only a painful fall. In the same way, we ignore divine principles and laws to our detriment. But the opposite is true as well: when we obey God and line our lives up with His ways, then we will be blessed.
In Galatians 6:8, Paul writes these powerful and convicting words: "For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life." Seeds sown into our lives make a huge difference. When we allow bad seeds to take root, they will produce bad fruit; however, when we plant good seeds, then the harvest is healthy and profitable to our souls. There are many seeds scattered throughout your day by what others say or the messages you receive from media, both traditional and online. It makes a difference who our friends are, what we read, where we go, the TV and movies we watch, etc. What we accept are like seeds planted. We need to ask, what do we want to look like in the years ahead?
My friend Dr. Jay Strack says he can tell you who you will be in five years by the books you read and the company you keep. That is very true. We have a choice as to the influences or seeds we allow to come into our lives, but we have far less control as to the effects or the harvest those seeds will produce. Some are enjoying wonderful days of blessing and harvest whether spiritually or in their families or even financially because they sowed good seeds. Others, unfortunately, are seeing this principle lived out in the opposite way. They have neglected God or their families or allowed bad influences to infiltrate them, and they are now paying the high price of low living. But God stands ready to forgive and restore if we will repent and come back to Him. I heard years ago the following truth, and it is still valid today: if you feel distant in your relationship with God, like He is further away, guess who moved? It was not God; rather, it was you.
Take a moment and ask the Lord to help you walk in obedience to Him and plant good seeds that will bring a healthy harvest into your life.